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Acta Chimica Sinica
2005 Issue 3
Synthesis and Characterization of Methyl-di(phenylethynyl)silane and Its Network Polymer
chen zuo ; li yang ; dai ze liang ; ni li zhong ; hu chun pu
Synthesis and Combustion Catalytic Activity of Nanoparticle Pb(Ⅱ)-gallate Complex
hong wei liang ; liu jian hong ; zhao feng qi ; li yu mei ; luo zhong kuan ; tian de yu ; zhang pei xin
Self-assembled Synthesis and Photocatalysis of Nano-TiO2-ZnO Mesoporous Material
wang zhen xing ; ding shi wen ; zhang mei hong ; zhang yu zhuo
Adsorption of Cationic-Anionic Surfactant Mixtures on Silica Gel/Water and Silica Gel/Mineralized Water Interfaces
jin yi zheng ; wang chen ; zhang ; bao yan xia ; zhao zhen guo ; xiao jin xin
Synthesis of Ordered Macroporous Hydrogels by Chemical Modification
rong jian hua ; hu yong hong ; ma jin ; yang zhen zhong
Investigation of the Rechargeability of the Cr-birnessite in Aqueous Solution
zhu xin gong ; wu zhi yuan ; wang min ; zhao yong
Study on the Interaction between Ir(Ⅳ) and Gamma Seroglobulinum Humanum
chang xi jun ; huang yan ; he qun
Study of Alkaline Nano-composite Polymer Electrolytes
zhao jun ; yuan an bao ; song wei xiang
Photoelectrochemical Study on the Nanostructured TiO2/PMT Film Electrode
hao yan zhong ; wu wen jun
Molecular Imprinting-Chemiluminescence Determination of Phenacetin
zhang hong ge ; lv jiu ru ; he yun hua ; du jian xiu
Study on the Photo-catalytic Decomposition of Methanol Vapor on Pt-loaded Nano-TiO2 Particles
cui wen quan ; feng liang rong ; xu cheng hua ; lv shao jie ; qiu fa li
Theoretical Study on the Reaction of HO2 Radical with NO2 by Density Functional Theory Method
bai hong tao ; huang xu ri ; wei zhi gang ; li ji lai ; sun jia zhong
Thermodynamic Study on Chiral Separation Process Using Molecular Imprinting
sun rui feng ; yu hui min ; luo zuo ; shen zhong yao
Theoretical Investigation of the Second Hyperpolarizability of Pyrrole Homologues C4H4XH (X=N, P, As, and Sb)
yang guo chun ; shi dong ; su zhong min ; qin chun sheng
Transfer Enthalpy of Amino Acids from Water to Aqueous Urea Solutions
ma lin ; lin rui sen ; lin gui mei ; xu nan