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Acta Chimica Sinica
2000 Issue 9
Single Crystal Growth and Structure of the Lactone Form of Rhodamine B
WANG Xi-qing;SUN Yuan;LONG Ying-Cai
A New Method for De Novo Bio - active Molecular Design
CHEN Hai-feng;GU Yan;DONG Xi-Cheng;LI Jian-Feng;ZHANG Shi-xiang;YUAN Shen-Gang;CHEN Min-Bo;ZHENG Chong-Zhi
Enantioselective 1,4- Conjugate Addition Catalyzed by Cu(Ⅰ) Complexes
HU Xin-Quan;CHEN Hui-lin;ZHANG Xu-Mu
Synthesis of Novel P, N Ligands and Their Application in Enantioselective 1,4- Conjugate Addition
HU Xin-Quan;CHEN Hui-lin;ZHANG Xu-Mu
A Positive Deviation from Porod's Law in SAXS of Porous ZrO2 Xerogels
LI Zhi-Hong;ZHAO Jun-ping;WU Dong;SUN Yu-Han;WANG JUN;LIU Yi;SHENG Wen-jun;DONG Bao-Zhong
Study on the Solubilities of the System of Ln( ClO4 )3 - PCBAAP - H2O at 30℃
LIANG Hong-bin;Cui Bin;TANG Zong-xun
Synthesis, Structure and Property of Ba1-xCaxSnyTi1-yO3
DING Shi-wen;ZHAI Yong-qing;LI Xi-Mao;WANG Jing;QIN Jiang-Lei
The Study on Labeling Biological Molecules with Iron( Ⅱ ) Carbonyl Fragments
LI Nan;XU Feng-Bo;HAN Xin-Xin;SUN Li-Juan;ZHANG Zheng-Zhi
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [Cu(C12H8N2)(H2O)(C4H4O4)]·2H2O
ZHENG Yue-qing;SUN Jie;LIN Jian-li
The Self-Assembly Process of DMPC/Protein at the Air/Water Interface
ZHANG Hen-Jian;CHEN Zhi-Jian;BI Zhi-Chu;WANG Ming-qiang;ZHAI Xiu-Hong;CUI Guang-Chen;LI Jun-Bai
Adsorption Kinetics of Aqueous Poly(Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride) and Its Mixture with CTAB Solutions
MO Chun-sheng;N·N·卡丘洛娃;M·N·普杰琳泽娃
Study of the Magic Numbers for THF/H2O Binary Clusters
SHI Tu-Jin;WANG Xu;YANG Da-Lin;ZHU Qi-He;SHENG Liu-Si;Wu Guo-hua;ZHANG Yun-Wu
Establishment of a Precision Semimicro- Titration Calorimeter and Measurements of Micellization Enthalpies
BAI Guang-Yue;WANG Jin-Ben;YANG Guan-ying;Han Bu-Xing;Yan Hai-Ke
A Quantum Chemistry Study on the Mechanism of the Reaction Between NH and O3
LI Lai-cai;WANG Xin;TIAN An-min
The Structural Control and Conductive Property of Silver(Ⅰ) Complexes with Hexaphenylbenzene
NING Gui-Ling;LIU Chang-hou;Qu Ping;ZHANG Shu-Wei;LIN Yuan;MUNAKATA Megumu
Synthesis and Characterization of Li0.75Na0.25MnO1.92I0.08 a Cathode Material for Lithium- Ion Secondary Batteries
LIU Xing-Quan;Chen Zhao-Yong;LIU Pei-song;LI Qing;YU Zuo-Long
Studies on the Dissociation Reactions of 8- Hydroxy - 5 - quinolyl Substituted Macrocyclic Complexes Catalysed by Acid
SU Xun-Cheng;ZHOU Zhi-Fen;LIN Hua-Kuan;ZHU Shou-Rong;SUN Hong-Wei;ZHAO Guang-hua;CHEN Rong-Ti
Study on Copper Surface in Buffer- Borax Solutions with BTA and Its Derivatives CBTME by PEM
XU Qun-jie;ZHOU Guo-ding;LU Zhu;YANG Yong;YOU Jin-Kua;LIN Chang-Jian
Study on Anti- Gibberella Fluorine- Containing Pesticides by 3D- QSAR
CHEN Hai-feng;DONG Xi-Cheng;GU Yan;CHAI Ge-Qing;ZHANG Shi-xiang;YUAN Shen-Gang;CHEN Min-Bo;ZHENG Chong-Zhi
Quantum Chemical Study of Silicon- Sulfur Clusters [(SiS2)nS] + (n = 1 ~4)
WANG Su-Fan;FENG Ji-Kang;LIU Jian-Jun;SUN Jia-zhong;LIU Peng;GAO Zhen;Kong Fan-Ao