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Acta Chimica Sinica
1998 Issue 6
Extraction of Gallium( Ⅲ ) with HPMBP
YANG Yong-hui;SUN Si-Xiu;XUE Mei;LIU Ping
Quantitative Measurement of the Trans Conformation Content of Crystalline and Amorphous Regions within Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by Means of FTIR
CHEN Chong-You;XIA Fang-Qiu;YAO Hong-wei;TENG Xin-Jun;SUN Jia-Chang;MA Rui-Shen
Association of Alcohols and Thermal Pressure Coefficient
SHEN Xiao-yan;HEI En-Cheng;LIU Guo-jie
Temperature Effect on Quenching of CH(A) by Alcohol
Chen Cong-Xiang;WANG Fei;CHEN Yi-Xin;RAN Qin;MA Xing-Xiao
Surface Analysis for the Hydrogen Storage Alloy and Electrocatalytic Activity of MH Electrodes
CHEN Wei-Xiang;TANG Zhi-Yuan;CHEN Chang-pin
Influence of Annealing Atmosphere on the Structures and Photocatalytic Properties of Ag - Doped TiO2 Thin Film
FU Xiao-rong;ZHANG Xiao-Gang;SONG Shi-Geng;WU Guang-ming;TAO Ming-de;LIN Cheng-lu
Preparation and Theoretical Analysis of Spherical Nickel Hydroxide with High Tapping Density
LENG Yong-Jun;ZHANG Jian-Qing;CHENG Shao-An;CAO Chu-nan
Theoretical Study on the exo and endo Reaction Mechanisms of 1,3 - Cyclohexadiene with Propylene
QIAN Ying;WANG Yan;FENG Wen-lin;Liu Ruo-Zhuang
Kinetic Study on Quenching of Electronically Excited SO2(A1A2 ,B1B1)
ZHANG Qun;RAN Qin;Chen Cong-Xiang;YU Shu-qin;MA Xing-Xiao
Quantum Chemical Study on the Mechanism of Alkaline Metal Oxide in Carbon Anode for Aluminum Electrolysis
DONG Zhen-Jian;LIU Shang-Zhang;QIU Zhu-xian