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Acta Chimica Sinica
1997 Issue 10
The Catalytic Properties of Poly(4-Vinylpyridine) Bound Rh(Ⅰ) Complex for Carbonylation of Methanol to Acetic Acid
LI Xiao-Bao;JIANG Da-zhi;Tian Shi-zhong;WANG En-Lai;LOU Yin-Xiang;ZHU Li-Xing
Chemoselective Reduction of Aldehydes in Presence of Ketones Catalyzed by samarium Primary Alkoxides
DING Zong-Biao;CHENG Ke-jun;WU Shi-hui
Determination of DNA Content in Breast Tumor Cell by Hadamard Transform Microscopic Image Analysis System
TANG Hong-wu;CHENG GUAN-Ben;MEI Er-Wen;Zeng Yun-e;MAO Yong-rong;HE Ping;SHI Zong-Jie
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of {Na[N-(p-RPh)15C5] (Et2O)} 2Na2Mo8O26
LU Xiao-Ming;LIU Shun-Cheng;LIU Yu;BU Xian-he;HONG Shao-Liang
A New and Facile Method for Preparation of Anhydrous Lanthanide Trichlorides from the Lanthanide Oxides
DING Zong-Biao;CHENG Ke-jun;WU Shi-hui
Linear Free Energy Relationships in Coordination Chemistry XXII. Cu(Ⅱ)-α-Aminoacids-Dioxotetraamine Macrocycles Ternary Systems
LIN Hua-Kuan;ZHU Shou-Rong;Appolin;B. Kondiano;KOU Fu-Ping;CHEN Rong-Ti
Study on the Reaction Kinetics of Uranium Hexafluoride with Gaseous Hydrogen Halides
XU Bao-yu;HU Jian-xun;ZHENG Cheng-Fa
Abnormal Adsorption Isotherms of MCM-41 Molecular Sieve and Catalysts
CUI Jun;YUE Ying-Hong;LIU Yi;DONG Wei-Yang;GAO Zi
Characterization of Some Schiff Base Metal Complexes in the Metabolism of Aerobacter aerogenes
FENG Ying;HUANG Zai-Yin;XIE Chang-Li;QU Song-Sheng
Studies on Cell Kinetics.Ⅵ. Thermochemical Characteristics of the Growth of Anaerobes
LIU Yi;TAN An-Min;XIE Chang-Li;QU Song-Sheng;ZHAO Bi-Jun
The Thermodynamic Explain of Different Content of C60 and C7o in the Preparative Process of Fullerenes
LIU Feng-ling;WANG Ze-Xin;JIANG Yun-sheng;JIANG Long
Quantum Study on the Acid-catalyzed Rearrangement Reaction of 1,2-Propleneglycol
LI Lai-cai;TANG Zuo-Hua;TIAN An-min;YAN Guo-Sen
A Theoretical Study on the Structures and Spectra of C64H6
HAO Ce;TENG Qi-Wen;WU Shi;Zhao Xue-Zhuang;TANG Ao-qing;FENG Ji-Kang
The Jahn-Teller Distortion of Several Cn7o Ions and Electronic Spectra for Singlets
TENG Qi-Wen;WU Shi;Zhao Xue-Zhuang;TANG Ao-qing;FENG Ji-Kang
The Synthesis of Fine Particles PbS in Triton X-100/C10H21OH/H2O Lamellar Liquid Crystal
GUO Rong;SONG Gen-ping;YAN Peng-Quan;SHEN Ming