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Acta Chimica Sinica
1997 Issue 1
Notices to Authors Paper
Total Synthesis of ( ± ) Isokotanin A
LIN Guo-qiang;Zhong Min
Effect of Diluents on the Interfacial Properties of HDEHP
SUN Si-Xiu;SUN Guo-Xin;CUI Yu;YANG Yong-hui;SONG Qi-Sheng;YANG Yan-zhao
Studies on the TPR Characteristics and Oxidation Activities of Catalysts of Cu, Ag and Cu - Ag Supported on γ - Al2O3
ZHU BO;CHEN Ping;LUO Meng-Fei;YUAN Xian-xin;WU Hong-li;Lü Guang-Lie
The Off- resonant Third - order Optical Nonlinearities of Soluble Vanadyl Phthalocyanines
QIU Ling;SHEN Yu-Quan;XU Hui-Jun;ZHANG Zhan-Xing;YIE Pei-Xian;YUAN Ping;XIA Zong-Ju;ZOU Ying-hua
Molecular Structures of Two 3 - Pyrazolidone Compounds with Potent Anticonvulsant Activity
YANG Qing-chuan;NI Ning;XU Hui-juan;XU Xiao-jie;TANG You-Qi
An ab initio Effective Core Potentials (ECPs) Calculation on Group V A Trimethy1 Compounds
WANG Yong-Cheng;GENG Zhi-yuan;WEI Tong-Shi
HeI Photoelectron Spectroscopic (UPS) Studies of the Electronic Structure on o - Nitro Acetanilide Derivatives
LI Ying;CHEN Ben-Ming;WANG Dian-Xun;J. B. Peel
Finite Field Study of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Cyclobutene - 1,2 - dione Derivatives
SUN Ze-Min;WANG Bing;TIAN An-min;YAN Guo-Sen