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Chemical World
2012 Issue 10
Study on the Selective Adsorption of Low-Molecular Aldehydes and Ketones from Cigarette Smoke Using 13X Molecular Sieve
FENG Shou-ai1;2;MENG Dong-ling1;HUANG Tai-song1;* ZOU Ke-xing1; FAN Zhong1;XU Ai-fei1;BAI Jia-feng1
Knoevenagel Condensation of Benzaldehyde and Diethylmalonate Catalyzed by Aminopropyl Functionalized KIT-1 Mesoporous Molecular Sieve
LI Hui-yun;HAN Yu-min;Lü Bei-hong;HUANG Dong-feng;LIU Yuan-ying
Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Microspheres for Quinclorac
SUN Qian;YANG Ming*;SHENG Xin-xin;ZHOU Kui
Determination of Xylose in Sugar-free Products by UPLC-MS/MS
LI Mei-hua;XU Zhong-jie;LI Shuai
Synthesis and Characterization of Chloranthraniliprole
DAN Shao-jun;ZHANG Hong;ZHENG Jian-hong
The Removal of Heavy Metals in MSW Incineration
MAO Yu;MA Li-ping*;CUI Xia;XIE Long-gui;DAI Qu-xiu;ZHANG Hang
Synthesis of the Dendroctonus Valens Leconte Repellent Verbenone
SUN Xiao-ling;JIANG Ying
Synthesis Process of n-Butyl Acetate in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor
YU Hai-shena;WANG Feng-yanb
Research and Development in the New Emulsifier-free Emulsion Polymerization
TANG Hong-ke;LI Jing
Determination of Solubility of 1,3-2,4-Di-3,4-Dimethylbenzylidene Sorbitol
SHI Jian-gong1a;b;WANG Wan-lin2;ZHAO Gui-liang1b ZHANG Min-hong1b;LIU Zhi-jian1a;YANG Wei-tai3 a.Post-doctoral Research Station;b.Beijing Co. 2.Institute of Application Chemistry;Hebei North University;Hebei Zhangjikou 075000;China; 3.College of Materials Science and Engineering;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;Beijing 100029;China)
Synthesis of Ethyl 2-(4-Phenoxyphenyl) lactate
FANG Yong-qin;GUAN Zhen-yong
Preparation of Polypropylene Sound Insulating Materials
CAO Wei-guo;JIANG Jian-hua;ZHU Yuan-tai;NI Jin-ping;CHAI Gang
The Analysis of Wash Oil by Capillary Gas Chromatography
ZANG Na;WANG Hai-yang;WANG Shou-kai;ZHAO Wei;JIN Dan
Study on Mother Liquor Purification of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Prepared with Calciferous Wastewater
ZHANG Zhi-qiang;DU Ming-yuan;YANG Ying-gui;XIN Ying;GUAN Yun-shan
Benzil Preparation by Oxidizing Benzoin with Iron Sulfate under Microwave Radiation
LIU Yao-hua;LI Qing;ZHANG Cai-feng
Synthesis of 1-Aminohydantoin Hydrochloride-(2-13C,15N3) as Double Labeling Compound
XU Jian-fei1;2;DU Xiao-ning2*;WANG Wei2;ZHANG Zhang1