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Overseas English
2014 Issue 8
Analysis on Translation of English Movie Titles
PANG Yan;College of Foreign Languages;Bohai University;
Advocating Students’ Individual Learning
REN Xi-ping;Hohai University;
A Discussion of the Model of “Learning Driven by Competitions” for MTI
XING Li;School of Foreign Languages;Beihang University;
The Conditions for the Autonomy of English Delexicalized Verb ‘Give +Nev’ Constructions
ZHANG Ai-pu;School of Foreign Langages;Nanjing Xiaozhuang University;
gou shi yu fa dui zhong xue ying yu yu fa jiao xue de qi shi
chen hong yu ;
gao zhong ying yu xie zuo jiao xue ke tang you xiao xing ce lue yan jiu
gao ming zuo ; pei su ning ;
Researching the Classroom
lu jun ;
li zu wen ben , pei yang xue sheng de si wei neng li
chen xia xia ;
qian xi xiao yuan ying yu huan jing jian she
he zuo ;
Fostering Learner Autonomy by Strengthening Learners’ Motivation
JU Yan-xia;Henan College of Industry and Information Technology;
gao xiao ying yu jiao xue de hu dong xing ce lue kai zhan
qiu shuang ;
ren wu zai gao zhi ying yu yue du jiao xue zhong de yun yong
wang jin bo ; yu ping ;
Analysis on Improving The Effectiveness of English Classroom Teaching in Higher Vocational Education
XU Yan-hui;Inner Mongolia Business Vocational College;
gao zhi ying yu ke tang jiao xue guan li de dui ce yan jiu
zuo wei rong ;
qian tan yin biao zai ying yu xue xi zhong de zhong yao xing
yang sheng hong ;
Chinese Transfer Application in College English Grammar Study
YUAN Xiao-ling;WANG Quan-min;REN Ying;North Sichuan College of Preschool Teacher Education;
A Study on the Key to Formation of Human Intelligence
ZHAO yi-wei;Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute;
An Analysis on the Organizational Culture and Its Influences on the TESOL Teaching in Open College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
HUANG Xiao-wen;Open College;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
Effect of Teaching Behavior on Study Motivation in Generative Teaching
huang yu mei ; xue xiao ying ;
A Study on Teaching Model of Multiple Interactions of Art Students’ Listening in College English
FENG Tao;Teaching Department of College English;Hunan University of Science and Engineering;
da xue ying yu hong guan jiao xue mo shi de yun yong
liu tian ning ;
kai fang jiao yu shang wu ying yu ke cheng diao cha bao gao
lu ji chao ;
The Application of Text-reconstruction in Teaching Intensive Reading of College English
MA Hui;Hunan University of Science and Engineering;
Miniature of The Bluest Eye—A Stylistic Approach to the First Fragment
WANG Qing-guo;Yunnan College of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Languages;
wai yu kou yu jiao xue jiu cuo qian tan
wang xiao zuo ;
A Multivariate Model for College English Teaching of Listening
XUE Jing-jing;Nanfang College of Nanjing Forestry University;
On the Role of English in the Chinese Tea Industry and Trade in the Foreign Exchange
YANG Jun-hui;Fuzhou College of Foreign Studies and Trade;
gui fan jiao xue nei han , lun da xue ying yu xie zuo
zhu li si ;
qian yi dian ying pian ming de fan yi
cao dan ;
Yang Bi’s Consistency with Qian Zhongshu’s Translation Thoughts
JIA Rong-hui;Ningxia University;
A Comparative Study of the Jerome Model and the Horace Model
li zi ying ;
Translator’s Subjectivity in Science and Technology Translation
liu xiao lin ; huang jin zhu ;
mei ti fan yi zhong bi yu shou fa de fan yi yuan ze
tan shu fang ;
ying wen fan yi zhong de xi yu chu li ji qiao fen xi
tao wen shan ;
On the Translator’s Subjectivity in Chinese Courtship from George Steiner’s Fourfold Translation Motion
WANG Wen;Guangdong University of Finance Economics;
On the Humor Translation of Chinese Humorous Texts—A Case Study of the Third Chapter of Ru Lin Wai Shi
WANG Ying-yun;GE Ling-ling;College of Foreign Languages;University of South China;
Multiple Intelligence Theory Based College English Translation Teaching Mode
WEI Juan;College of English Language;Guangdong University of Finance and Economics;
Interpretation of Faithfulness in Different Western Translation Schools
WU Meng-jiao;School of Foreign Languages;Central South University;
ji yu mu de lun shi jiao de ke ji ying yu fan yi tan tao
zhang jun ;
he bei sheng wen hua chan ye wai yi dui ce yan jiu
zhao chun li ; fan zeng min ;
Cannibalism and the Applicablity on Brand Name Translation
LIU Xiao-juan;Foreign Languages Department LanZhou Institute of Technology;
wai shi bi yi zhong de wen hua yi qing ce lue
li yuan xiao ;
A Brief Analysis of Chinese People in America before 1949
CHEN Jin-ping;Foreign Lanuages Dept. of Wuhan College;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;
A Tentative Study of Reading Distance in Spring Sowing
FAN Li-jun;Huarui College;Xinyang Normal University;
zhong xi shu zi wen hua qian tan
hu xing ;
A study of Love Theme:Seen from Characters in Gone with the Wind
HU Yuan;Guangdong University of Science and Technology;
A Study on the Cultural Differences of Daily Greetings between Chinese and English
li mei rong ; li guo fu ;
huang se qiang zhi zhong zi wo zhu ti yan jiu
li xiu min ;
The Analysis of Scarlett’s Character
liu shu jie ;
An Analysis of Factors That Cause Jude’s and Sue’s Tragedies
pan lan lan ;
The Cultural Differences between Chinese & English Idioms in External-propaganda Translation
SONG Ge;The School of Foreign Languages Nanyang Institute of Technology;
Comparison of Three Poets’ Pessimism
song yi ;
Love,the Main Melody in Wuthering Heights
WANG Ping;Xuzhou Higher Vocational School of Economy & Trading;
To Be Is to Create—Essence of Life in the First 17 Sonnets of Shakespeare
WANG Qing-guo;Yunnan College of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Languages;
ru he you xiao ti gao xue sheng de kua wen hua jiao ji neng li
liu xiu rong ;
ying yu jiao xue zhong kua wen hua yi shi pei yang yan jiu
lu yan fei ;
An Analysis of The Bonesetter’s Daughter from the Perspective of Feminist Narratology
QI Hang-yuan;College of Foreign Language;Southwest University for Nationalities;
mo li sen xiao shuo zhong fei yi mei guo ren shen fen ren tong
you li na ;
shi ren de cheng chang qian xi sheng huo zai bie chu
zhang ying ;
The Analysis of The Open Boat from the Perspective of Eco-criticism
ZHANG Zhi-juan;Henan Institute of Science and Technology;
An Interpretation of the Food Images in Joy Luck Club
TONG An-jian;School of Foreign Languages;Wenshan University;
Robinson’s Indirect Ways to Support Critical Period Hypothesis
ZHU Si-qin;College of Foreign Languages of Zhejiang Normal University;
The Ethical Voice of a Slave
WU Ying;WANG Lan-ling;Foreign Language College;Zhejiang Normal University;
Study on C-E Translation of Advertisements Based on Relevance Theory
cai zuo yao ;
jian fei guang gao yu zhong de hua yu yu she
chang yue ;
Analysis on Modals and Semi-Modals
chen li ;
A Study on the Use of Degree Adverbs in Chinese EFL Learners’ Spoken English
DONG Li-li;Lanzhou Jiaotong University;
A Review of the Overseas Studies of Second Language Acquisition from Sociolinguistic Perspectives
LI Geng-chun;WEN Li;School of Foreign Languages;Zhejiang Radio & TV University;North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power;
Analysis of Metaphors and Metaphorical Mapping in Court Language
LI Xing-zhong;English Department;Guangdong;AIB Polytechnic College;
piao de ji wu xing fen xi
lu hong ping ;
The Intertextuality in Chinese Cosmetics Advertisements
TAN Yao-hua;Department of Foreign Languages;China University of Geosciences;
The Study of Pedantic Language in the Big Bang Theory
WANG Ya-hui;College of Foreign Languages;Southwest Petroleum University;
tao bao ti qin de liu xing ji qi nei zai dong yin
wang yi yi ;
zhong guo xue sheng ying yu fa yin cuo wu yuan yin fen xi
wu chang ning ;
A Literature Review of Research on Error Analysis Abroad
XIAO Qian;HuBei Science & Technology College;
The Features and Translation Strategies of Advertising English
HAN Jin;China Foreign Affairs University;
ni xing fu ma ? wo xing xx de qi yi fen xi
zhang cai xiu ;
The Study of Measurements of Working Memory in Language Learning Field
CHEN Fang;ZHANG Hua-xin;LI Li;School of Foreign Studies;Jiangnan University;
Equivalence in the Translation of Network Buzzwords
DENG Fei;School of Foreign Languages;Sichuan University of Arts and Science;
Approach and Challenges of Teaching English in EFL Context
liu you fei ;
The Critical Discussion of the Second Language Learning in the Classroom in China
MA Yan;Moray House of Education;University of Edinburgh;