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Overseas English
2014 Issue 13
Study on "Demotivation" of Non-English Major College Students’ English Learning
PENG Ying;College of Foreign Studies;South China Agricultural University;
san yu xi de yan jiu zong shu yu si kao
yang hua ;
A Brief Review of Motivation for Second Language Learning
SONG Dan-gui;School of International Studies;Zhejiang University;
wen hua dao ru fa zai zhong zhuan ying yu jiao xue zhong de ying yong
yu hong zuo ; wang hong yan ;
er yu xi de jin shi wu nian de fa zhan qu shi
du wen xia ; kang guang ming ;
The Application of Thematic Progression in Text Teaching
CHEN Yong-bin;School of Foreign Languages;Hubei University of Science and Technology;
The Construction of the Mode of Extracurricular English Reading Activity at Colleges
SUN Guo-nan;School of Foreign Languages and Literatures;Beijing Normal University;
The Current Situation and Solution of English Listening Teaching in Independent College
LIU Qin;City College of Sicence and Technology;Chong Qing University;
guan yu da xue ying yu ting li jiao xue wu qu ji qi jian yi tan jiu
long qian ; chen hong liang ;
Investigation of the Native Language Absence in University English Teaching
SHEN Jian-feng;Foreign Language Department of Harbin College;
wo guo wai yu jiao shi jiao yu yan jiu shi wu nian
wang bao ping ; li li xia ;
OnCulturalEducatingFunction of EnglishLanguage Teaching in Universities
WANG Shi-ye;Jiageng College of Xiamen University;
An Empirical Study of CBI Theme Teaching Mode in College English by Using Available Textbooks
XIE Cai-hong;Foreign Language Department;Hengyang Normal University;
da xue ying yu ting li jiao xue fa wei tan
yi shan shan ;
The Research of Reform in English Teaching
ZHOU Lu;Hefei College of Finance and Economics;
The Study on Reflective English Teachers in Schools and Colleges of Chinese Armed Police Force
CHEN Zhuo-lun;NIE Ben-jun;The Second Language Teaching and Research Section;Officers College of Chinese Armed Police Force;Faculty Department;Officers College of Chinese Armed Police force;
A Study on Building Platform of Training Students with Metacognitive Strategy in English Study in the College
CUI Yuan;SUN Ai-wu;Hunan Chemical Vocation Technology College;
Content based Instruction (CBI) in the Application of Pharmaceutical English Course
LI Yan;CHEN Zhi-xian;Jiangsu Nantong Higher Health Vocational Technology School;
cong pet kao shi kan gao zhi ying yu jiao xue
liang guang hua ;
English Training for College Student Volunteers at Sports Events
LIU Wei;School of Sport Management and Communication;Capital University of Physical Education and Sports;
lun jiao ji fa zai ying yu jiao xue zhong de ying yong
mo shu ying ;
Meta-cognitive Strategies Instruction during English Teaching for Pre-school Education Major of Vocational College
TANG Yan-xia;College of Preschool Education of TJN;
The Effects of TBLT on Lexical Richness in ESL Students’ Writing
WU Rui;HE Xiang-jun;Beijing Information and Technology College;
ying yu zhuan ye san xing ren cai pei yang shi jian jiao xue ti xi gou jian
xu xiao yan ; wang xin bo ; fu xiao ;
Project-based Learning of Higher Vocational English Listening & Speaking
ZHOU Xiu-juan;Qingdao Harbor Vocational and Technical College;
Analysis on the Interpreting Learning and Application of the English Majors in Shantou University
CHEN Jie;Shantou University Department of Foreign Language and Culture;College of Liberal Arts;Shantou University;
Visual Designs of Verbal Information in CALL and its Effect on Comprehension
DONG Jian-qiao;CHEN Yi-fei;School of Foreign Studies;Jiangnan University;
An Evaluation of the IELTS Speaking Test
ge guo liang ;
lun ying yu jiao xue zhong de wen hua dao ru
gong li ;
tan tao chu zhong ying yu ke tang zhong de yin ru yi shu
liu rui ping ;
The Practice of Input Hypothesis in Teaching High School’s English Listening
MA Shuang;The North University of China;
Integrating An On-line Automated Writing Assessment System in the College EFL Classroom
YE Qing;WU Xian-an;WANG Juan-juan;School of Humanities;Beijing University of Chinese Medicine;English Department;Chao Hu University;
On the Loss of College English Translation Teaching Inspired by the New Reform Policies of CET-4/6
ZHANG Li-zhu;School of Foreign Studies;CUMT;
Influences of Cultural Differences on Translation of Titles of Films
chen cai zhen ;
jin yong wu xia jing dian zuo pin zhong zhuan you ming ci de ying yi yu yan jiu
cai dong yuan ; zuo mei lv ;
A Study on Translation of Vagueness in Diplomatic Language
FAN Jian;Department of Foreign Language Teaching;Henan University;
you yi qi yi de xiu ci xiao guo ji fan yi
han zhan dong ; fu xiao ;
How to Remedy the Cultural Differences in English and Chinese in Interpretation
JIANG Yi;ChengDu College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
TheAnalysisofTranslation MethodsforCulture-loaded Words in Lin Yutang’s Version of FuSheng Liu Ji
LI Xiao-ya;College of Foreign Languages and Literature;Northwest Normal University;
On the Translation of Chinese Ancient Home Letter from the Perspective of Contextual Hierarchy Theory in Functional Linguistic
LIANG Yi-ran;School of Foreign Languages;Jinan University;
On the Anti-sense Translation
PEI Sheng-xin;English Staff Room;Fundamental Liberal Arts College;Qingdao Binhai University;
shi yi li lun shi jiao xia shang wu ying yu kou yi dui ce
peng fu qiang ;
gong neng mu de lun shi yu xia de shang wu biao shu fan yi
si chao zuo ; yao ke ; gong yan yan ; zhang yuan jing ; yang yan ;
Problems in C-E Translation of Abstract of Graduation Papers by Undergraduates of Agronomy
WANG Mei;SHI Hui-hui;YANG Miao-miao;Nanjing Agricultural University;
Sonnet Translation in the New Approach of PMH~1—Take Sonnet 106 into Ci Model as Instance
WANG Tao;College of Interpretation and Translation;SISU;
Commercial Advertising Translation from Functional Equivalence Perspective
YANG Yu;Donghua University;
xi fang fan yi shi shang de wen xue zi yi yan jiu
zhang xiao ling ;
Analyzing the Two English Translations of River Snow from the Perspective of "Three-Dimensional" Transformations
ZHOU Yang;YAO Zhi-zhong;Foreign Languages Department;Harbin Engineering University;
ying xiang fan yi huo dong de she hui he wen hua yin su fen xi
han xin bing ;
Analysis of Blanche’s Tragedy Life in the Streetcar Named Desire
an xiao fang ;
Symbolism in Araby
School of Riverand Sea;Chongqing Jiaotong University;
The Study on the Ecofeminism of Rebecca in Rebacca
CHEN Zhu;The School of Foreign Studies;Hefei University of Technology;
Human and Nature,Who is the Winner—Conflict and Harmony between Man and Nature Reflected in Moby Dick
LI Shuang-mei;College of Foreign Languages Hainan University;
The Difference between Female Characters May and Ellen—Read The Age of Innocence Pure feeling
LI Bian;LANG Ting-ting;Tianjin University of Science & Technology the art college;
EcofeministicInterpretationof the Treein Song ofSolomon
LI Xiao-ling;Central South University;
gu du de ge mai nv lang man yan gai xia de huang liang
song lei ;
Creation of Literature Works’ Characters Based on Actants
TANG Jie;Jinling College;Nanjing University;
Cross-Cultural Analysis on Complements
liu heng ;
Internal conflicts of Emily Dickinson —A study of the images of boat and sea in Dickinson’s poems
WAN Hai-yan;Foreign Language and Literature Department;Xinhua College of Sun Sat-sun University;
lun yuan da qian cheng de cheng chang zhu ti ying wen
wang xiao wei ; xu ling ;
A Study to Simon’s Archetypal image in Lord of the Flies
zhou jing ;
Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice
zhu xiao qing ;
The Application of Conversational Implicature in Doctor-Patient Conversation
GAO Chong;Harbin Normal University;
yu yong xue shi jiao xia shan bi hui da de lei xing yan jiu
guo fei ;
A Study on the Interpersonal Meaning of Debate Discourse: Based on the Debate on the Sino-EU Solar-panel Trade Dispute
LI Jing-yi;School of English for International Business;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;
yi xiang tu shi de tu xing shuo lai yuan he zhe xue yi yi
li ying jie ;
A Study of Linguistic Sexism and Language Reconstruction
sun jing xia ;
Metaphor Analysis of Chinese Premier Wen’s Cambridge Speech
LUO Luo;The School of Foreign Languages;China West Normal University;
Genre Analysis of American Corporate Ethics Codes
WANG Yi;Qufu Normal University;
On the Construction of the New York Times’ Institutional Ethos
WEI Xiao-bing;Fuzhou College of Foreign Studies and Trade;
A Brief Analysis on Empty Categories in Chinese
XIONG Shao-li;English Department;City College of Dongguan University of Technology;
A Study on the Inequality of the Form and Function of Elevating the Report
XU Hai-yan;Yantai University;
shang wu he tong ying yu te xing tan tao
zuo hui lan ;
The Syntactic Position of Adverbial Adjuncts in Chinese
yu hao ;
ge di si bao yan shuo de chun li gong neng fen xi
zhang shu jun ;
The Stylistic Analysis of car ads languages
zhang wei ping ;
Cross-cultural Pragmatic Analysis on Speech Act
zhang wei wei ;
On Application of English Euphemism in International Business Communication
ZHOU Bao-xue;Foreign Language College of Honghe University;
xiu ci qing jing shi jiao xia de shang wu tan pan
zhou jun hai ;
gua zuo de fu hao xue jie du
zhou man ; wang xiao yu ;
A Probe into the Lexical Devices in English Hyperbole
ZHOU Mo;College of International Studies;Yangzhou University;
Formality Degrees of Language from the Perspective of Register
ZHU Xia;Huashang College Guangdong University of Finance & Economice;
From Critical Discourse Analysis to Positive Discourse Analysis
huang zuo ran ;
A Functional Analysis of English Relative Clauses
liao zuo ;
Contrastive Analysis on Metaphors between English "grey" and Chinese "灰"
LIN Wen;Sichuan University of Arts and Science;
The Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in Susan E.Rice’ s Commencement Address(Excerpt) at Stanford University
PENG Jin;School of Foreign Languages;Central China Normal University;
English Listening Strategies by College Students in Web-based Self-access Environment
DANG Hong;Nanyang Institute of Technology;
Brief of Language education in Hong Kong
li chao ;
Group Cooperative Learning—Making Learning a Deeper Process
MAO Jin;LI Hong-mei;WANG Ya-lei;ZHANG Min;Foreign Language School.Yunnan Agricultural University;
Causes of Gender Differences in Foreign Language Learning
liu jia ;