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Journal of Hunan Radio and Television University
2009 Issue 1
On Method
ZHOU De-yi
The Three-dimensional Construction of the Classical Music Culture in HNEVC
HU Wei;REN Yong;LIU Ying-ling
The Basic Model of Legal Method
LIU Xin-guo
Questioned China's Civil Appeal System
YUAN Xiao-wen;WAN Jin-hu
The Way of Legislation of One Member Company
WU Juan
The Design and Practicing Way for SIP Agreement
LI Zhen-jun;ZENG Ling-yun;ZHENG Shan-xian
Learning Space Design of Data Structure Course in Open Education
Extra-edge connectivity of Varietal Hypercubes
LIU Mei-xing;JIANG Mian
Romantic is Image and Reality is the Soul
ZENG Hong-yan