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Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)
2005 Issue 2
Minimum Cycle Bases of Outerplanar Graphs on the Projective Plane
XU Mei;DANG Ying;REN Han
Surface Water Environmental Quality Assessment and Water Pollution Protection in Xuzhou City
LI Zu-wei;GUAN Hua;CAI An-ning;RAO You-cai
Assessment in Drug Resistance of Ganoderma Lucidum
WEN Lu;GE Yi-he;QIU Yan
Effects of Genotype and Growth Regulator on Culture of Mature Embryos in Maize
CAO Jun-mei;DOU Bing-de;LI Sheng-qiang;CHEN Li;YANG Jin-bin;BAI Guang-hong
The Determinative Algorithm for One Kind of Inequality
XIE Lie-jun
A Detection Method of Coherence Average for Weak Signal Based Matlab
Ji Sai;SHEN Xing;SHEN Chao
Improvement in Preparation of Benzyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate
ZHI San-jun
Research on the Effects of Artemisinin and Coenzyme A
LOU Fen-weng
Comparison for Volatile Halohydrocarbons in Different Water
WEI Ke-xia;YIN Qi-fan
Discussion Again of the Balance Cycle Formula of Inertia
TANG Yun-xing
M Sequence Based on VHDL and Applied to Bugging Defense
YIN Xiao-qi;YIN Kui-xi;WAN Hui-lin
A Digital Downconverter based on Hilbert Transform
LI Ming;YAN Biao;ZHOU Ping;YANG Juan
A Improvement of Stackelberg's Model in Oligopoly Monopolized Market
GU Jing;CHENG Shao-gang
L(p,q)-Labelling of Outerplanar Graphs
LIN Nian-feng;SHEN Bang-yu
The Game Coloring and Chromatic Number of Graphs
QI Zhi-ru;SUN Zhi-ren