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Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Ediiton)
2006 Issue 6
"Ling" Is Not a Vacancy in the Number of "Yi Bai Ling Yi"
CHEN Nian-gao
Cognition and Research on Functions of the Time Adverb "Forever"
On Democratic Centralism
ZHENG Ge-lin
Analysis of Deng Xiaoping's Ideology about Administrative Execution
WANG Guang-sen
Ethic Conformity Power and Social Development
HAN Cheng-min;LAN Hong
Philosophical Reflection on PE Value Outlook at the Present Age
How to Understand Muttering Written by Qian Zhong-shu
BIAN Xiao-xuan
If False Make the True and True As Well False
SHEN Xin-lin
Reappraisal of Mao Pang's Character
TIAN Jin-xia
Summary and Expectation of Gao Xiao-sheng's Novels
LI Hui-zhao
Three Questions in Lv Si-mian's Historical Ideology
ZHANG Geng-hua
Smuts and the League of Nations
WANG Yan-qing
Study of the USSR's Jewish Immigrating Motivation in the 1970s
LIANG Zhong-fang
Confucius Image in the Allegories of the Former Qing Dynasty
ZHENG Xian-bin
Turn Against Network Pervasion: Situations and Countermeasures
TANG Tian-feng
Educational Equity in the Harmonious Society Construction