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Journal of Logistical Engineering University
2006 Issue 4
Periodic Solutions of a Class of Second - order Hamiltonian Systems
TAO Zhulian;TIAN Yanfang;DAN Qi
Flow Shop Scheduling with Deteriorating Processing Time and Chains Constraint
XU Chuanrong;YANG Xiuwen;ZHANG Jie
Study on the Calibration of Pressure Sensor Based on the Dynamic Measurement System
YANG Shuang;DU Yang;JIANG Xinsheng;WANG Lei;ZHANG Xuexin
The Seepage of Slopes Subjected to Rainfall and Up -down Stream
WU Yue;LU Xin;GU Hongwei;WANG Bing
Effective Ways to Save Cost of Encampment Planning
XUN Ping;CHEN Duan
Discussion on Interaction of Short Anti - sliding Pile and Soil
LEI Yong;LIU Guozheng;ZHENG Yingren
Status and Progress of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Externally Prestressed FRP Sheets
FEI Wei;JIANG Shiyong;ZENG Xiangrong
Consolidation of Saturated Soft Soil under Attenuation Loading
CHEN Zhenghan;LI Wan;LIU Hui
Coordinated Ceremic Plate Extractors and Some Problems of SWCC Test
SUN Shuguo;CHEN Zhenghan;ZHU Yuanqing;LIU Yanhua;WANG Lin
The Application of All - life - span Theory in Scientific Management of POL Armaments
Study on the Evaluation of the POL Mobilization Ability
YANG Xiaowen;WANG Zhanjun;ZHANG Lei;HU Qinglin
A New Defense System of Military Network Based on Linkage
CHEN Xiao;BU Huaiyuan;LIU Wei;LIU Xiaobing
Research on Tele -video Transmission Based on GoTa System
LU Xiang;LUO Ting;CHEN Xiao
Application of Wavelet Transform in Mechanic Edge Detection
LU Shaoxu;CHEN Yun;LIU Yi
Research on Platform Design for Variety Based on Variants Design Theory
ZENG Hui'e;ZHOU Qingzhong
Calculation Analysis of Velocity Distribution of Oil - water Stratified Laminar Flow
DONG Jianwei;TANG Xiaoyin;HUANG Lei
Study on Oil & Gas Strategy of Sustainable Development of City Economy
YONG Qidong;GU Hongbo;CHEN Zhi;WAN Xi;XU Guangyong
Research on Electromagnetic Testing Technology of Underground Pipeline
SU Yi;LI Zhuxin;LI Jianxiang;WANG Pengfei
On -line Inspection Technology and Robot for Pipeline
LI Zhuxin;SU Yi;LU Hongqing;MENG Haolong