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Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
2012 Issue 6
Review on Manyflower Betony
FU Peng-yu;LI Shan;ZHANG Ding;ZHANG Shu-fang.Henan Center for Disease Control and Prevenion;Zhengzhou 450016;China
ji bing yu fang kong zhi xi tong zai cu jin ji ben gong gong wei sheng fu wu jun deng hua zhong de zuo yong fen xi
lu ming xia yang jun wei zhang xiao xiao zhang yan qiu ma shi wen liu guo hua
Superficial Advices on Health Inspection Charges of Henan Provincial Institution for Disease Control and Prevention
XIE jin-yue CHANG Hong.Henan Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Zhengzhou;450016;China
Progress of rapid test kit method for measuring iodine in urine
WANG Yan-li;SUN Ning;WANG Chuan-gang;ZHENG He-ming;HAO Zong.Department of Endemic Disease;Henan Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention.Zhengzhou 450016;China
Study on the molecular typing of salmonella paratyphi A strains with pulsed field gel electrophoresis in Henan province,2005-2007
WANG Jian-li;MA Hong;XU Yu-ling;HUANG Li-li;GUO Da-cheng;ZHANG Ai-mei;ZHANG Bao-hua.Henan Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Zhengzhou;450016;China
Epidemiological characteristics on the clustering nature of pandemic(HINl) 2009 in Henan Province
SENG Ming-hua;JIANG Hong-li;XU Jin;FENG Da-xing;YU Yan.Henan Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control;Zhengzhou 450016;China
Measles Epidemiological Characteristics and Progress of Measles Elimination in Henan Province,2010
MA Ya-ting;ZHANG Xiao-xiao;LU Ming-xia;Zhang Yan-yang;Guo Wan-shen;YE Ying;WANG Chang-shuang.Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Zhengzhou 450016;Henan;China
2011 nian he nan sheng shui dou yi qing liu xing bing xue fen xi
shen zhen yuan ma gui fang chen zheng li
yi qi you er yuan shui dou bao fa yi qing shi jian diao cha
yao huai zhi li peng
Analysis on Reported Cases of Hepatitis B in luoyang From 2004 to 2010
LI Yun-xia1;CHAI Zhan-xin2.1.Luoyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Luoyang Henan;471023;China;2.Luoyang Xinchun Du Bio-pharm Co.Ltd;Luoyang Henan;471023;China
Analysis on epidemiological features of hand-foot-mouth disease in Zhengzhou 2008-2010
CHEN Yan-zhe;WANG Wan-min.Zhengzhou Center for disease Control and Prevention;Henan 450042;China
Epidemiological analysis of tuberculosis in Weihui city from 2007 to 2011
MA Dao-rui;YAN Yu-ming;LI Xin-mei.Weihui Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Weihui Henan;453100;China
An analysis of epidemic and trend of HIV/AIDS in Xinxiang
HAN Zuo-sheng;DONG Ji-feng;WANG Yuan-yuan;WANG Jing.Xinxiang Center for Disease Control and prevention;Xinxiang;Henan 453000;China
High performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of Allura red soda
LI Shu-na.Center for disease control and prevention;Ye County;Henan Province;467200;China
2003-2010 nian zheng zhou shi 5 sui yi xia er tong xian tian yi chang si wang jian ce zi liao fen xi
zhou meng ni deng li ping feng guang rong xu yan ju
Synthetical evaluation on quality of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance by Topsis method in Henan province
ZHANG Xiao-xiao;LU Ming-xia;MA Ya-ting;ZHANG Yan-yang;YE Ying;GUO Wan-shen.Henan Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Zhengzhou Henan;450016;China
Analysis and Surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis case in KAIFENG in 2011
DING Shuai;SUN Long;GUO Wei-li;WANG Qing.Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Kaifeng Henan privince;475000;China
Analysis on the Adverse Event Following Immunization after Supplementary Immunization Activity of Measles Attenuated Live Vaccine in Henan Province in 2010
YE ying;ZHANG yan-yang;GUO wan-shen;LU ming-xia;ZHANG xiao-xiao;MA ya-ting.Henan Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control;Zhengzhou 450016;China
2010 nian he nan sheng 5 sui yi xia er tong yi xing gan yan xue qing liu xing bing xue fen xi
feng xiu hong liu zuo li guang wei jiang hong li guo yong hao guo wan shen
2006 nian qing hai sheng yi xing gan yan xue qing xue diao cha jie guo fen xi
wen guo ying wang shu lin song dian hai liu yan
2010-2011 nian ji yuan shi dong wu fen bian biao ben sheng rou lei he fu xie bing ren zhong sha men shi jun jian ce jie guo fen xi
lu yan ling jin hui juan ren yan ping chen chen ren lu ge liu lei
mou xian xin bao gao cai gong xue tu jing hiv/aids gan ran tu jing he shi diao cha
zheng yan li cui shi lei wang zhe zhu qian sun ding yong li ning li peng
shang hai shi zuo he zuo jie dao ju min liang zhou huan bing lv diao cha
chen li xin gong qin qing qian zuo zheng ji ying
Investigation on aluminum contamination of cooked wheaten food in xuchang county
GAO Li-hong.Xuchang center for Disease control and Prevention;Xuchang 461000;China
3zhong jie he kang ti jian ce fang fa dui jie he bing zhen duan jia zhi dui bi fen xi
yang ping zuo guo rui wang yong ming wei hong li feng
2009-2011 nian zheng zhou tie lu zhi ye ji shu xue yuan san jie xin sheng jie he gan ran zhuang kuang diao cha
wang yu hong huang he mei liu yan zuo tian ye
he nan sheng xian ji ji bing yu fang kong zhi zhong xin yin yong shui wei sheng jian ce neng li diao cha
zhang jie zhu gang zhang ben jie tian hao liang xia xiang qun
he nan sheng ji bing yu fang kong zhi xi tong gong gong wei sheng ren li zi yuan diao cha
chao feng zhang shu fang zhang ding he jian zhu gang wu shao bin
A Beijing university student involved in cardiopulmonary resuscitation knowledge and skills training effectiveness analysis
QU Hui.Hospitals in north china electric power university;Beijing 100 000;China
Subject Investigation of trace elements in hair of children in Zhongmu County Authors
YAN Jiao-xiao;LIU Zi-sen.Zhongmu County Center For Disease Control And Prevention;Henan;451450;China
The Analysis And Detection Of The Measles Antiboby And Japanese Encephalitis Antiboby In Lushi County In 2011
ZHANG Dang-an.Lushi Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Lushi Henan;4720000;China
bu tong zhong lei zhong zu yi xing gan yan yi miao mian yi xiao guo guan cha
ye ming wan dong liu dan
mian yi jie zhong lv he ji shi lv yu mian yi zhi xiao fen xi
chu qing zhi yang xiao hong chu yi wen xu wen duo
yu zhou shi zhi ye wei sheng shi yan shi jian ce neng li yan zheng fen xi
lu gui qing jiang ying li fang lin chu hui juan
2010-2011 nian he nan yu fang yi xue za zhi wen xian ji liang xue fen xi
yang gai xia zhang zuo