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Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
2001 Issue 5
On Deng Xiaoping's Theory towards Intellectuals
LIU Shu-dong
On the Masses View of CPC during New Period
SHI Zi-qiu
gao xiao si xiang zheng zhi jiao yu gong zuo zhi wo jian
wang ke zhen
yi de zhi dang de guan jian zai yu jia qiang dang xing xiu yang
wang xiao ling ; zeng yan
gu dai li shi wen hua yan jiu xu
liu ping zheng
The Interaction of Context and Discourse Intention
On the Figurative Functions of English Animal Nouns
CHEN Yong;LIU De-jun
Medieval Chinese Function Words in Zhuzibianliie
XU Wang-jia;CAO Xiu-hua
Several Problems on the Crime of Washing Dirty Money
YU Qian-jun;DUAN Hui
Limited Partnership - Best Choice of Venture Capital Enterprises
BA Neng-qiang;QIAN Dong-xing
On Deng Xiaoping's Development of Mao Zedong Thought
TU Sheng-yu
How Far to Nobel Prize
On the Structural Art ofПЛAXA
The Formation of the Concise and Refined Text Model
ZHOU Guo-qing
The Humanity Root of Moral:Pure Morality
ZENG Xiao-wu
yao bai zheng si xiang zheng zhi gong zuo de wei zhi
tang chun wu
On Overlapping of Chinese verbs
WU Qi-zhu
The Law and Means of the Language Creativity Study
LIU Chi-fu
On the Coutermeasure for Chinese Insurance's Development after it Joins WTO
TANG Min-xing;PANG Sheng-xiang