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Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
2008 Issue 2
A Study on "Chinese Verb Partly Copying Sentences"
CHEN Ming-shu
On Enforcement System Of Han Dynasty
CHENG Zheng-ju
Reflections on Winter of Our Discontent
Gender Recognition in the Conceptual System of Gender Poetics
WAN Lian-jiao;YAN Lin
Concentration of Banks and Efficiency in China: A Panel Unit Toot and Panel Cointegration Analysis
HUANG Shi-ping;XIAO Hong-jun;HUANG Xu-ping
The Research on Foreign Exchange Exposure Measurement Based on Cash Flow Approach
The Diplomacy of Balance in America's Foreign Strategy
LUO Hui-jun
On the Structure of Moral Character
WANG Hai-ming
Legal Protection of Peasants' Non-agricultural Employment
LIU Yan-bai
Developing Mode and Future of Farmers and National Relation
ZHOU Zuo-han;ZHANG Ying-hong