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Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
2008 Issue 1
How does Education Concern Happiness
LIU Tie-fang
How does Education Promote the Happiness of Man
SUN Zhen-dong
The Temporal Structure of Mind and Its Factors
TAN Jia-lin
An Analysis of the Professional Pressure to the School Teachers in Multi-national Areas
YANG Gui-e;HUANG Xiang-xiang
Review the Teacher Empowerment in the Situation of New Curriculum
HE Ji-sheng;XIE Fu-sheng
On the Evaluation of Defense Education in Colleges
ZHOU Yong-wei
Defining the Educational Goals of Sports-training Specialty of Universities in China
JING Guang-hui;DU Peng;LI Xian-jun;TANG Xue-jiao
On the Strategy of Setting a Brand for Student Work
LU Liang
The Negative Influence and the Correction of the Network Ethics Deviation of College Students
TANG Bai-you;ZENG Shi-hong;YU Cui-jun
Using Rubrics in Performance Assessment
5-Star Instruction in Practice——An Analysis of a Lesson
Thought on Education Returning to Life World
GUO Ya-ling;ZHANG Min
The Power Relationship in Teacher-student Interaction
UU Yun-shan
The Educational Value of Curriculum
CHEN Gui-sheng
Socrates'Death and the Peak of Citizenship Education
LI Chang-wei