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2007 Issue 1
wo guo luo fei yu de yin zhong ji zhong zhi zi yuan bao hu zhou yi
li xue jun ; li ai jing ; peng xin liang ; cheng guo
Net culture of Silurus meriaion alis Chen
Zhou hua shu
Artificial breeding and learvae nursing of Silurus meriaion alis Chen
du zhong chen ; li sheng xun ; sun guo qing ; shen xiao zuo ; wu li hua
Technology of artificial hatching and larvae nursing of rainbow trout
du jian gang ; li bao min
High-yield prouduction techniqut of P.Vannamei in freshwater
Zhang Sheng li
Culture of young sorft turtles in greenhouse
Liu Meng
Heath-culture of Micropterus Salmoides
Yang wen Xiao
Pond management measures of chawnel catfish
Zhang Guihua
Ecological net culture teehnique
sun jin zhou ; wang dong feng ; wang shui liang
Cure and dignotiss of bacterial septicemia of Channel catchish
wang ya qiang ; lv jun
Prevention of ell disease with Harb medicines
tian hai jun ; zhou ben xiang ; long yong
Prevention of kio comon diseases in net in reservoirs
Zhang Xiao Peng
Analysis of fish dead in fertilized pond in winter
Pang Changchun
Grade culture of bigsize Erythro culter ilishae formis
peng ren hai ; yi chao hui ; chen rui li
ji ji kai zhan an yang shui chan ye he xie fa zhan de xin ju mian
he jun gong ; yang qi ; wei ming wei
jian xun
Net culture of "Xing cao yu" in reservoirs
bao qiao yun ; jiang wei
Harmless-Culture of net culture without feeding in reservoirs
han de shun ; yang wen lei ; ni quan sheng