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Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
2011 Issue 11
Biogeographical Distribution of Chinese Lepidosaphinae
YUAN Shui-xia;MA Li;FENG Ji-nian
Mating Type and Distribution of Phytophthora nicotianae in Guizhou Province
PENG Li-juan;DING Hai-xia;GE Yong-yi
ren wu jie shao
Bioinformatic Analysis of UXS Gene Family in Arabidopsis and Rice
PAN Yu-xin;WANG Wei-jie;HU Jin-shan
The Operating Standard of Production Technologies of Lonicera japonica Thund
LI Jian-jun;JIA Guo-lun;LI Jun-fang;WANG Ying
Measurement of Cold Tolerance in Four Bamboo Based on REC with Logistic Equation
XU Chuan-bao;DAI Qing-min;YANG Xiao-qin
The Variation of Starch Content in Pyracantha Fruits of Different Regions
TIAN Juan;WANG Lei;CHEN Qing-fu
Determination and Antioxidant Activity in vitro of Polysaccharides from Dioscorea alata
PEI Hui-peng;HUANG Jun;WU Kai-xuan;YANG Pei-jun
Uptake and Distribution of N,P,K in Different Wheat Gluten Types
HUANG Shao-min;BAO De-jun;GUO Dou-dou;ZHANG Shui-qing;XU Wei-gang;HU Lin;WU Zheng-qing
Analysis of Genetic Basis of Camellia oleifera from Hubei Province
ZHANG Ting;LIU Shuang-qing;DONG Yan-ling
Analysis of Etiolated Soybean Leaves in Baicheng Region of Jilin Province
ZHANG Wei;ZHAO Li-mei;HAN Xi-guo;XU Chang-hong;ZHAO Jing;YAN Xiao-yan;ZHANG Ming-hao
Sequence Analysis of the Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Genome
YANG Peng-hua;NI Feng-e
Grain Filling Characteristics of New Strong Gluten Wheat Cultivar Xinmai 26
YANG Li-juan;DONG Yun;SHENG Kun;WANG Ying-hong;ZHAO Zong-wu
Application of Multifactor Situation Sequent for Four-element Connection Number in Comprehensive Evaluation of Rice Variety
YAN Ming-jian;HUANG Wen-zhang;HU Jing-tao;LEI Shu-fan;L(U) Zhi-wen;HUANG Cheng-zhi
Measurement and Analysis of Body Size and Carcass Character of Royal Chickens
WU Chan;LI Hui;LI Jing-rui;LI Qian
Research on Fertilizing Effect of NPK “3414”Design for Peanut in Eastern Region of Xinxiang City
ZHAO Fa-cheng;CHEN Rong-jiang;MIAO Zi-sheng;HUANG Xi-mei;ZHANG Yun-qiang;ZHENG Lei
Isolation and Identification of Biocontrol Fungi against Tobacco Bacterial Wilt and Their Antagonistic Activity
MIAO Li;DONG Xia-wei;ZHOU Xiao-jian;DING Bi-ting;LIU Yang;ZHA Xin-yao;DONG Kun-ming
Studying on Diurnal Variation of Main Photosynthetic Index of Different Soybean Varieties
XU Xin-juan;WANG Wei;HUANG Zhong-wen
Analysis and Understanding on Diagnosis of Infectious Laryngotracheitis
BAI Ji-wu;GUO Wei;XUE Yuan;MA Guan-hua
Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the 5-HTR2 Gene of Sanen Breast Milk Goat
JIANG Qing-dong;LI Xin-ping
Advances in Application of Forest Trees as Hyperaccumulators of Heavy Metal
LIU Xi-hua;LIN Xian-ju;XING Jian-hong;LIANG Yi-chi
Effects of Heat Stress on Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Several Tree Species
LIU Yan-ping;YAO Ying-ying;LUO Xiao-ya;ZENG Hui;ZHAI Xiao-qiao
Analysis of Maize Breeding Objective from Full Mechanization in China
WANG Zhen-hua;LU Xiao-min;ZHANG Xin;ZHANG Qian-jin;WEI Xin
Generation Ways of Haploid and Its Application in Crop Genetics and Breeding
XIANG Zhi-guo;HAI Yan;KANG Ming-hui;ZHAO Yong-ying
Progress on Potential Viral Diseases of Jatropha curcas
WU Yue-kai
Research Progress on Biology and Physiology of Urechis uniconctus
ZHANG Xir-ming;LI Kang-jun
Effects of High Molybdenum and Low Copper on Testis Lipid Per-oxidation of Mice
GUO Shu-zhou;YANG Zi-jun;ZHANG Cai
Research of the Content of Reducing Sugar, Protein and Dry Matter of Four Potato Varieties under Different Ecological Environment
LIU Xi-ping;CHEN Yan-yun;REN Xiao-yue;DING Hong-jin;LIU Ya-wu;HAN Gang
Control Effect of Five Pesticides against Sitodiplosis mosellana in Different Growth Stages of Wheat
DUAN Ai-ju;LIU Shun-tong;ZHANG Zi-qi;LIU Chang-ying;WU Yu-qing
Cloning and Functional Analysis of the CDS of Cattle Tollip Gene
WANG Xing-ping;LUOREN Zhuo-ma
Breeding of Maize Hybrid Zhengdan 538 with High Density,High Yield,Good Quality and Multi-resistance
TANG Bao-jun;DING Yong;LI Hui-yong;LI Li-hua;ZHAO Xia;WANG Li-feng;CAO Yan-yong;ZHAO Fa-xin;WANG Hao
Research on Control of Fungus Associated with Ips subelongatus
ZHOU Xiu-hua;CUI Lei;SONG Rui-qing
Analysis of Soil Secondary and Trace Elements and Organic Matter in Rapeseed-growing Areas of Henan Province
ZHANG Shu-fen;ZHU Jia-cheng;WANG Jian-ping;CAO Jin-hua;WEN Yan-cheng;HUANG Shao-min
Subacute toxicity test of Daqingzhixie Oral Liquid on Chickens
GAO Guang-ping;GAO Gui-sheng;ZHANG Yan-ying;TANG Sheng-ling;SHI Qiu-mei;LIANG Yin-ju;SHAO Xin-hua
Monitoring Analysis of Wheat Straw Burning in Henan Province Based on EOS/MODIS Data
LIU Ting;WANG Lai-gang;FAN Lei
Cluster Analysis of Walnut Elite Germplasm Resources of Shimian Based on Economic Characteristics
HUANG Li-yuan;XIAO Qian-wen;SUN Yang;PU Guang-lan;SUN Qun;CHENG Wei-li;WANG Zhi-yong;ZHENG Li-song;YANG Xian-cai;LUO Yong-fei;ZHANG Zhi-cai
The Establishment of the System for Detoxified Huai Yam by Stem Tip Culture and Stem Cut Rapid Propagation
MIAO Li-juan;HAN Suo-yi;ZHANG Xin-you;HUANG Bing-yan;TANG Feng-shou;DONG Wen-zhao;WANG Su-xia