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Agricultural Science & Technology
2015 Issue 4
Effects of Uniconazole on Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Roots of Different Sweetpotato Cultivars at Seedling Stage
Zhen YUAN;,Baoqing WANG;,Yao JlANG;,Beitao XlE;,Haiyan ZHANG;,Shunxu DONG;,Wenxue DUAN;,Qingmei WANG;,Liming ZHANG;
Bioinformatics Analysis of Class l Chitinase in Tobacco
Lina GENG;
Anther Culture about Hybrid F1 by Solanum torvum SW. (♂) × Solanum melongena L. (♀)
Yikui WANG;,Hong WANG;,Yanyan FANG;,Yanna WANG;,Wenjia Ll;,Yan Ll;,Yongguan WU;,Yaqin JlANG;,Dexian KANG;
ldentification of Genetic Purity of Bitter Gourd Hybrid by lSSR Markers
Longzheng CHEN;,Hai XU;,Bo SONG;,Hui ZHANG;,Yuanyuan KUANG;,Xihan YUAN;
Screening and Evaluation of Different Purple Sweet Potato Varieties Specially Used for Processing
Jinping LlANG;,Liming YANG;,Jisheng LlN;,Zhiyong ZHANG;,Zhenxin WU;,Yuanxue LUO;,Chuan ZHANG;
Performance and Matching Cultivation Techniques of New Late Rice Variety Xiangyou 196 with Early Maturity and High Yield
Jinhe HU;,Baoqing XU;,Suying WANG;,Xihua ZENG;,Zongfa LlU;,Fei ZHU;,Zhiying ZHANG;,Suming Ll;
Characteristics of Soil Porosity and Changes of Soil Water Content in Eucalyptus Plantation
Liumei XlONG;,Jinsheng HUANG;,Yan ZEN;,Yanfei HUANG;,Guifen CHEN;,Yongxian LlU;,Liuqiang ZHOU;,Hongwei TAN;,Meifu HUANG;,Yuyi HUANG;
Effects of Seedling Cultivation Methods on Seedling Cultivation of Major Vegetables
Hai XU;,Bo SONG;,Longzheng CHEN;,Zhidao LU;,Xihan YUAN;
Research Advances on Rice Root Breeding
Lei WEl;,Hualin DONG;,Xiaozhi WU;,Zhenjiang FEl;
Effects of Different Factors on Biological Yield of Fodder Soybean(Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in Autumn ldle Land
Huan LlU;,Xindong WANG;,Fugui WANG;,Xinyu WANG;,Hanzhang ZHOU;,Xueyan XlA;,Shenglin HOU;
Multivariate Regression Analysis on Correlated Characters about Fresh Pod Yield of Fresh Edible Soybean
Changjun GE;,Liang YAN;,Lirong XU;,Jiuling LUO;
Treatments on 5 Plants’ Absorbing Heavy Metal Effects in Winter
Qingfeng Ll;,Xiaofen WU;,Jun LlU;,Zhilong Yl;
Study on Yield Potential of Autumn Potato/Rapeseed lntercropping System in Rice Field
Hualei HUANG;,Youming SHl;,Yan ZHOU;,Shangtong TANG;,Mingyu GU;
Prospects for Study on High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Super Hybrid Rice
Ke LlU;,Aibin HE;,Bilin LU;,Xiaohai TlAN;,Yunbo ZHANG;
Seed Production Techniques for a New Two-line Hybrid Rice Combination, Benliangyou 3113
Yang DAl;,Liang JlN;,Zijiang ZHU;,Mingqun Ll;,Guangyin TANG;,Jianbing DAl;,Jian HUANG;
Study on Seed Breeding of Thuia sutchuenensis
Shiqiang ZHANG;,Xiaomei TAN;,Bin WU;,Wei LU;
Characterization of TGMS Line 33S in Rice
Hongjun XlE;,Guohua TANG;,Yinghong YU;,Shenggao WU;
Research Progress in Cultivation and Pharmaceutical Chemicals of Toona ciliata and Toona ciliata var. pubescens
Huoming ZHOU;,Song CHEN;,Cuilin FU;,Changbin XlE;,Yujuan Ll;,Yang WANG;
Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Biofertilizer on Brassica juncea var. multiceps Growth and N2O Emission from Soil
Zhihui BAl;,Fan WANG;,Jianxi CAO;,Shanghua WU;,Shengjun XU;,Shuanglong MA;
Properties of Basic Soils in Different Types and lmprovements and Uses in Burundi
Dajin SHl;,Guifen CHEN;,Liumei XlONG;,Yanfei HUANG;,Kaiqiang LlU;,Ying XlNG;,Zhong LlU;,Yuyi HUANG;
Application of Special Controlled Release Fertilizer in Direct-seeding of Rapeseeds
Lianyi FAN;,Xiaoqin HUANG;,Rongkui HUl;,Feixiang ZHU;,Lichao DENG;
Effects of Different Absorbing Medium on Microwave Remediation of Chlordane Contaminated Soil
Hao ZHAO;,Rong ZHOU;,Minyan ZHAO;,Shiqiang WANG;,Peng REN;,Yanhua XU;
Test and Research of Total Quantity of N and P Fertilizers for Maize
Lizhi YU;,Mingguo YE;,Yan WANG;,Hai YU;,Xin JlANG;
Study on Application of Microbial Ecological Agents, Replacements for Antibiotics, in Weaned Piglet Production
Limin QlAO;,Fuqiang QlAO;,Wenyi GUAN;,Jinghe ZHANG;,Xishan XlAO;,Hua YAO;,Jiuxi-an YANG;
The Expression of CaN and CaMK is Associated with Lipogenesis in the Muscle of Chicken
Ye YANG;,Jiao SONG;,Ruiqi FUl;,Yanfa SUN;,Jie WEN;
Exploration and Analysis on Grape-based Wine Culture Promotion and Development
Juan Ll;,Xin JlANG;,Lizhi YU;
Empirical Analysis on Rural Financial Development and Farmers' lncome lncrease in China
Xiaofang ZOU;,Dongsheng Ll;
Status quo of Agriculture in Benin and Developing Strategy
Kaiqiang LlU;,Yu WEl;,Xiaoqiong Ll;,Ying CHEN;,Sibin GUO;,Yuyi HUANG;,Guoqing GAO;
Development of Vegetable lndustry in Summer in Cool Areas in Qinghai Plateau
Laisheng CHEN;,Rui HAN;,Haiting WANG;
SWOT Analysis and Development Strategy of Tobacco Production in Chenzhou City
Guolian HUANG;,Wen DENG;
Study on Damage Characteristics of Weedy Rice
Xunbin GUO;,Hongsheng Jl;,Changyun FENG;,Weimin CHEN;,Keli GU;,Qin YUAN;
Effects of Bt-transgenic Rice on Cold Resistance of Oriental Migratory Locust
Shiwen XU;,Tieguang XlAO;,Jingquan ZHU;
Analysis and Countermeasures of lntercepted Exotic Weed Epidemics from Wool in Jiangsu Ports
Jianghua Ll;,Wenwen SUN;,Xiaosong LlANG;,Dongming Ll;,Jianguo FU;
Processing Technology of Compound Beverage of Lotus Root and Lemon
Xianping XlONG;,Shuirong HUANG;
lnfluence of Different Processing Methods on Honeysuckle Quality
Jinjuan ZHAO;,Yandi PENG;,Jianyong ZHOU;,Lingling WANG;,Huibin LlN;,Jianqiang LlN;
Effects of Different Storage Temperature on Nutritional Quality of Potato Cultivar Kexin No.1
Xizhuo WANG;,Haiting SUN;,Jie SUN;,Xu ZHU;,Kai ZHANG;,Jin SHEN;,Xuebin CAl;
Curing Characteristics and Suitable Harvest Maturity of Fresh Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves in Ankang Tobacco Growing Areas
Feng ZHU;,Zhi RAO;,Shiquan SHEN;,Fushan SUN;,Jie REN;,Toujie XlAO;
Research Progress of Factors lnfluencing the Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco
Jing YANG;,Jie CHEN;,Rusong YANG;,Jun TANG;,Hao HUANG;
Biochemical Evidences for Scopoletin lnhibits Ca2+-ATPase Activity in the Carmine Spider Mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval)
Qiuli HOU;,Dan WANG;,Bingchuan ZHANG;,Wei DlNG;,Yongqiang ZHANG;
Research on the Evolution and Accumulation Characteristics of Surface Soil Phosphorus in Tien Lake
Li BAO;,Naiming ZHANG;,Langling LlU;,Rifeng KANG;,Xuetong ZHAO;,Dandan ZHANG;
Analysis on Soil Contamination Status in Rural Areas in China
Caili ZHANG;,Kai LU;
Effects of Rice Combine Harvester Application to Harvest Chinese Milk Vetch Seeds
Yulin LlAO;,Yanhong LU;,Jun NlE;,Xing ZHOU;,Jian XlE;,Zengping YANG;,Haojie WU;