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Journal of Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University
2005 Issue 5
guan yu fa zhan wo guo nong ye xin xi hua de zheng ce tan tao
zhao jian qun
xian xing nong di chan quan zhi du de que xian yu diao zheng gai jin
yi ai dong ; jiang fa zhu
Study on Synthesis of Diacetoneacrylamide
XIAO Wen-zhen;ZHANG Ji-yan;XU Peng
Application and Safety of Propolis in The Preservation of The Food
ren chuan ying ; zhao yong huan ; zhu chun ; li jing wei
Research on The Beverage of Licorice Mixed with Apple
zhang hong wei ; feng chuan wei ; wu jun ; song ji ling
Study on Super Critical CO2 Extraction of The Oil from Silkworm Pupa
WEI Wen-yi;SUN Yi-na;GUAN Jian
Study on Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in The Precision Agriculture Demonstration Plot of Heilongjiang Province
sui chang ling ; cai de li ; di rui chang ; wang chun
Analysis on Sensitivity of Rice Blast Fungi Isolates to Trcyciazole
ZHANG Ya-ling;JIN Xue-hui
Research Progress and Safety Evaluation on Transgenic Plants
NING De-li;YIN Kui-de
Studies on The Capacity of Bacillus Laterosporus in Dissolving Inorganicphosphate Compounds
gong zhan yuan ; wang yan jie ; li yong peng ; zheng dian feng
Data Modeling for Regional Soil Information System
cai de li ; xin gang ; zhang zhi yi ; zhang zhi
Significance and Ways of Breeding of Super Wheat
HE Yuan-long;DU Zeng-jie
Discussion on The Orthogonal Experiment in The Biological Research
ZHANG Shu-guang;WANG Bing;ZHAO Xiu-he
The Optimal Extracting Conditions of Polysaccharides from Flammulina Velutipes
feng kun ; zhang dong jie ; zhang jian zuo ; yang ying
Study on Antibacteriality of The Flavonoids of Wheat Germ
ZHAI Ai-hua;HAN Yan-hui;YANG Jian
Research on The Processing Technology of Natto
GUO De-jun;SUN Jing-dong;XIAO Nian-ping
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Recombinant Human Interleukin-18 Gene
ji li li ; yang yu ying ; li shi ze ; zuo bang yang
Summary on Myostatin Gene and It's Application Study
SHEN Bing-lei;NI Hong-bo;MIAO Shu-jun
Pathomorphology Study on The Apoptosis and Proliferation of Cells in Cow Leukemia
SUN Bin;REN Feng-lan;ZENG Wen-yuan
Design on Automatic Transplanter for Lettuce
QIANG Li-hui;ZHANG Tie-zhong
Development and Study of Software on The Concrete Frame Structure CAD
tao chuan qian ; xue hui ; zheng zuo ; wang hai bo
Transmission Analysis of The Structures of Cross Axis Double Universal Joints
LIU Tian-xiang;ZHANG Ji-jun;ZHANG Yi-feng
Diagnosis on Resistance of Pepper of Heilongjiang Province with PCR
zhang xiu xiang ; li hai yan ; zhang he yu ; yuan zi guo ; wang xian guo
Recent Advances on Minimal and Zero Tillages of Rice
li hong yu ; liu li hua ; lv yan dong ; li jin feng ; zheng gui ping