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Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering
2015 Issue 2
Optimized Design for the Flow Distribution Device of Nuclear Reactor Internals Based on CFD Simulation
ZHANG Ming-qian;DUAN Yuan-gang;ZHU Ming-li;PI Jian-hong;China Nuclear Power Design Co.;Ltd.;
Simulation and Verification of the Control System of the Reactor Primary Loop in Load Following Operation
LI Han-chen;CAO Xin-rong;Fundamental Science on Nuclear Safety and Simulation Technology Laboratory;Harbin Engineering University;
Study on Cold-state Rod Drop of the HTR CRDM
YAN He;YANG Lei;ZHANG Zuo-peng;TANG Qing;DIAO Xing-zhong;Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology Collaborative Innovation Center;Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety of Ministry of Education;Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;Chinergy Co.;Ltd.;
Development Status and Prospects of Lead-based Reactors
WU Yi-can;WANG Ming-huang;HUANG Qun-ying;ZHAO Zhu-min;HU Li-qin;SONG Yong;JIANG Jie-qiong;LI Chun-jing;LONG Peng-cheng;BAI Yun-qing;LIU Chao;ZHOU Tao;JIN Ming;FDS Team;Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety;Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Calculation and Analysis of Gas Hammer in Space Pipe
JIANG Cai-jun;ZHANG Tai-yong;BAI Guang-pu;HU Xiao-yan;China Nuclear Power Design Co.;Ltd.;Qinghai Engineering Consulting Center;
Calculation for the Steam Hammer of Pipenet-Based AP1000 Main Steam System
LIU Wei;YU Pei;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Assessment of Shutdown Dose Rate in ITER PF4 Coil Maintenance Zone
HE Tao;YANG Qi;LI Bin;ZHENG Jian;HU Li-qin;University of Science and Technology of China;Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety;Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on Monte Carlo K-effective Calculation Method
SONG Jing;SUN Guang-yao;CHEN Zhen-ping;HAO Li-juan;ZHENG Hua-qing;YAN Ya-wen;University of Science and Technology of China;Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety;Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology;Chinese Academy of Science;
Introduction of Metal Reflective Insulation on AP1000 Reactor Vessel
LI Kun;DAI Chang-qing;State Nuclear Power Engineer Co.;Ltd.;
Impact Analysis of RPN Channel Modification for CPR1000+ NPP
ZHAO Chang-you;HAN Song;SHEN Hua-yun;SHI Xiu-an;FU Xue-feng;China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute;Institute of Applied Physics and Calculation Mathematics;
The Study on Modularization Construction of AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant
ZHENG Bao-zhong;YAN Yan;SUN Han-hong;State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation Ltd.;
Solution of Main Steam Safety Valve Setting Drift in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant
LI Tao;ZHANG Shou-jie;China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute;
Study on Quantitative Method on DFM Model of HRA in SGTR
YU Shao-jie;ZHAO Jun;FANG Chen-yue;China Ship Development and Design Center;Institute of New and Nuclear Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;
The Evaluation of Numerical Calculation of Nuclear Power Plant Tsunami Modeling
LIU Ming;LV Ying-xue;Design Management Department;Liaoning Nuclear Power Co.;Ltd.of CNNC;Key Laboratory of Hydrodynamics;Tianjin Port Engineering Institute Ltd.of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Analysis of the Combustion of Hydrogen-Air Mixture in a Cylinder with CFD Code
ZHU Gui-xue;HU Po;School of Nuclear Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Study on the Leak Detection Technologies of the Helium Test Loop
LIU Ji;YANG Ming-de;DANG Jie;CHEN Zhen;BO Han-liang;ZHANG Zuo-yi;Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology;Tsinghua University;
Seismic Margin Assessment in Three-loop NPP
LU Fang;YAN Lin;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Sneak Circuit Analysis Application on Nuclear Power Plant Squib Valve Controller Design
XU Zhi;BAO Qi;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;Xianning Nuclear Power Plant Co.;Ltd.;
Analysis of DVILine Break Accident for AP1000
QIAO Xue-dong;Wang Kun-peng;JING Jian-ping;SUN Wei;AN Jie-ru;JIA Bin;ZHANG Chun-ming;Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Research;
Preliminary Study on Core Design with 50% MOX Fuel in PWRs
LIU Chan-yun;BI Guang-wen;YANG Bo;Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute;
Analysis on the Main Safety Problems of Treatment Systems of High Level Liquid Wastes and Organic Solvent Wastes in Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant
SONG Feng-li;LV Dan;QUE Ji;LIU Zhi-hui;ZHAO Shan-gui;WANG Shi-jun;LIU Yun-tao;LIU Xin-hua;WU Hao;DUAN Hong-wei;Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center;Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Assessment of the Gamma Source of Spent Fuel in Pressurized Water Reactor
HAN Song;Justin Byard;HUANG Hao;SHI Xiu-an;China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute;Worldwide Engineering CGNPC AREVA Nuclear Company;
Environmental Assessment and Analysis on the Siting Stage of Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant
MA Jing;MA Jin-lin;LI Rui-rou;China Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation;
Research & Design of the Drive System of the Nuclear Fuel Manipulator Crane
MU Zhao-hui;LI Wei-dong;LIU Rao;College of Electrical Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute;
Studyon Physical Coating of U-M_o Microsphere
LENG Mao-lin;WANG Xiao-min;WANG Lu-quan;HE Zhen-juan;GUO Zhen;YU Zheng-wei;National Key Laboratory for Nuclear Fuel and Materials;Nuclear Power Institute of China;
The Mode of Uranyl-Salophen Coordinating with Cyclohexenone
NIE Chang-ming;LI Xiao-long;XIAO Yun-xia;LUO Juan;ZHANG Fang-shuai;University of South China;
Application of Ultra-filtration Membrane for Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing
ZHAO Juan;China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Determination of 99Tc Transmutation Rate in Xi’an Pulse Reactor by Mass Spectrometer
XU Jiang;LI Zhi-ming;FAN Jin-long;LI Xue-song;ZHAI Li-hua;OUYANG Xiao-ping;WANG Qun-shu;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;
Discussion on Radioactive Liquid Near Zero Release in Inland Nuclear Power Plants
CHEN Shao-wei;QIAO Pei-peng;China Nuclear Power Design Co.;Ltd.;
Experimental Study of Water Film Flow Characteristics on the Rotatable Large Flat Plate
BAO Kai;HU Po;HUANG Xing-guan;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Study on Regularity of Radon and Its Daughters’ Concentration Distribution in Uranium Mine Shaft Station
HONG Chang-shou;LI Xiang-yang;HU Peng-hua;LI Xian-jie;YE Yong-jun;XIE Dong;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;Central South University;School of Environmental Protection and Safety Engineering;University of South China;Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy;