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Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering
2005 Issue 4
Study on the quantum effect of the cold fusion in metal electrodes
LI Ming;WANG Hong-zhang
A radiation monitoring system for nuclear fusion devices
CHAI Zhu-xin;WU Yi-can;HUANG Qun-ying
Neutronics analysis of the upper port for ITER
ZHENG Shan-liang;LIU Song-lin;LIN Hui;ZENG Qin;WU Yi-can
The dual functional lithium lead test blanket module and the testing strategy for ITER
WU Yi-can;WANG Wei-hua;LIU Song-lin;HUANG Qun-ying;ZHENG Shan-liang;WANG Hong-yan;CHEN Hong-li;CHEN Ming-liang;BAI Yun-qing;Song Yong;ZHANG Mao-lian;KE Yan;LI Chun-jing;LI Yan-fen;HU Li-qin;LIU Ping;LI Jing-jing;LI Ying;XU De-zheng;ZENG Qin;CHEN Yi-xue
Near-surface migration behavior of 237 Np, 238 Pu, 241Am and 90Sr in relation to the method study on safety assessment of the disposal of low and intermediate level waste containing transuranic nuclides
LI Shu-shen;WANG Zhi-ming;LI Zhen-tang;ZHAO Ying-jie;GUO Ze-de;GUO Liang-tian;WANG Jin-sheng;FAN Zhi-wen;SONG Jian-xin;AN Yong-feng
A quick estimation method of revision of OIL1
LING Yong-sheng;WANG Xing-yu;SHI Zhong-qi
GASFLOW: CFD code for the distribution and combustion of hydrogen in the containment
XIAO Jian-jun;ZHOU Zhi-wei;JING Xing-qing
Experimental study on the impulsive load of follow fuel assembly of swimming pool research reactor
SUN Chang-long;BO Han-liang;JIANG Sheng-yao;ZHANG Hong-chao;MA Cang;WANG Jin-hua;QIN Ben-ke
Theoretical analysis on the probability of initiating persistent fission chain
LIU Jian-jun;WANG Zhe;ZHANG Ben-ai
Actual characteristics study on HTR-10GT coupling with direct gas turbine cycle
PENG Xue-chuang;ZHU Shu-tang;WANG Jie
Process industry properties in nuclear industry
ZHENG Hua-ling