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Transactions of the China Welding Institution
2010 Issue 2
Direct diffusion bonding TC4 to ZQSn10-2-3
ZHAO He1;2; CAO Jian1;2; FENG Jicai1
Numerical analysis of linear friction welding process of steel S45C
CHEN Liang; LI Wenya; MA Tiejun; MA Caixia
Structure and mechanical properties of TC4 linear friction welding joint
ZHANG Tiancang; LI Jing; JI Yajuan; SUN Chengbin
3D coupled thermo-mechanical visco-plastic finite element simulation of friction stir welding process
ZHOU Mingzhi; LEI Danggang; LIANG Ning; YANG Jinghui
Measurement and analysis of friction stir welding process
YAN Dongyang1; SHI Qingyu1; WU Aiping1; Silvanus Juergen2; LIU Yuan1
Numerical simulation of thermal field of friction stir welded 2219 aluminum alloy thick plate
XU Weifeng; LIU Jinhe; ZHU Hongqiang
Influence of distance between laser and MIG arc on drop transfer process of CO2 laser-MIG hybrid welding
HU Lianhai1; HUANG Jian1; ZHUANG Kai1; ZHAO Fucheng2; WU Yixiong1;3
Random tempering process of spring steel resistance spot weld
XU Guocheng1; ZHAO Xihua1; ZHANG Xiaoqi1;2; WEN Jing1
TIG welding-brazing of special flux assisted aluminum-steel dissimilar alloys
SONG Jianling; LIN Sanbao; YANG Chunli; MA Guangchao
Microstructure and wear resistance of clad layer on laser remanufacturing metal pieces
ZHANG Xiaodong1;2; DONG Shiyun2; WANG Zhijian2; YAN Shixing2; XU Binshi2; Li Qingfen1
Thermal cycling reliability of Sn-Cu-Ni (-Ce) joints
WANG Jianxin1; LAI Zhongmin1;2; XUE Songbai2
Simulations of transient keyhole and dynamic melt pool behaviors during laser welding
PANG Shengyong1; CHEN Liliang1; YIN Yajun1; HU Lunji1; DUAN Aiqin2
Dynamic diffusion behavior of atoms in isothermal superplastic welding process of steel
ZHANG Keke1;2; YUE Yun1; MA Ning1; WU Zhiwei1; SUN Jing1; YANG Yunlin1
Numerical modeling of new alterable heat source based on high energy welding beam
YANG Jianguo; CHEN Xuhui; ZHANG Xueqiu
Thermodynamic character of phase transformation of TC4 titanium alloy electron beam welded joint
LIU Xin1;2; GONG Shuili2; LEI Yongping1
Residual stress distribution of large thickness titanium alloy joints by electron beam welding
WU Bing1;2; ZHANG Jianxun1; GONG Shuili2; LIU Chuan1
Characteristics of aluminium-lithium alloy joint formed by YAG-MIG hybrid welding
YANG Jing1;2; LI Xiaoyan1; GONG Shuili2; CHEN Li2; XU Fei1;2
Accuracy control of nugget quality information for resistance spot welding by DRC method (Ⅰ)
LI Guizhong; YUAN Haikun; WANG Zhaowei
Bead geometry prediction based on SVM
SHEN Junqi; HU Shengsun; FENG Shengqiang; GAO Zhonglin
Effect of GMAW arc on Nd:YAG laser refraction
WANG Wei1; LIN Shangyang1; WANG Xuyou1; ZHU Chengyu2; LEI Zhen1; XU Xiaofu1
Weldability of super-Ni/NiCr laminated composite and 18-8 stainless steel
LI Yajiang1;2; XIA Chunzhi1; U A PUCHKOV2; WANG Juan1
Microstructure analysis of large cross-section cast aluminum-steel friction welded joints
WANG Xijing; SHANG Xianwei; ZHI Lili; ZHANG Changqing
Double shielded TIG welding method
LU Shanping1; LI Dongjie1; LI Dianzhong1; LI Yiyi1
Effects of mass scaling factor on the plunge stage of friction stir welding
LI Wenya; YU Min; LI Jinglong
he ci
Effect of base metal chemical composition on properties of resistance spot welding joint of DP590 steel
WANG Min1; WU Yixiong1; PAN Hua2; LEI Ming2
Investigation and application of ultrasonic-TIG hybrid welding equipment
SUN Qingjie; LIN Sanbao; YANG Chunli; YAN Jiuchun
Inversion imaging of nugget cross-section in aluminum alloy resistance spot welding
XUE Zhiqing1; LUO Zhen1; SHAN Ping1; LIU Ying2; Wang Rui1
Fundamental research on electron beam welding of heavy section titanium alloy structures
LI Xiaoyan1; GONG Shuili2; GUAN Qiao2; SHI Yaowu1; ZHANG Jianxun3; ZHAO Haiyan4