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Nuclear Techniques
2014 Issue 9
Preliminary design of the bunch length measurement system for NSRL injector
ZHANG Hui;ZHANG Shancai;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science and Technology of China;
Design of the Canted beamline interlock system at SSRF
ZHU Zhouxia;GONG Peirong;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Structure study of neutron-irradiated Al-B alloy by synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering and neutron diffraction method
HUANG Chaoqiang;YAN Guanyun;XIE Lei;SUN Liangwei;CHEN Bo;LIU Yaoguang;SHENG Liusi;LIU Xiao;WU Zhonghua;College of Nuclear Science and Technology;University of Science and Technology of China;Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry;Key Laboratory of Neutron Physics;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on photoluminescence and structure of copper nanoclusters
GE Mengran;LI Dandan;YAO Tao;PAN Guoqiang;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;University of Science and Technology of China;
Influence of irradiation temperature on the surface damage of tungsten
AN Taiyan;FAN Hongyu;WANG Yan;WANG Xiang;LI Yue;School of Physics and Materials Engineering;Dalian Nationalities University;
Experimental study on the labeling of antisense oligonucleotide from U87-EGFRvIII glioma cells with 188Re
QI Yongshuai;HUANG Baodan;DU Li;ZHANG Hui;HUANG Kai;LI Guiping;Department of Nuclear Medicine;Nanfang Hospital;Southern Medical University;
Preparation of RGO/FeOOH aerogels and its adsorption for U(Ⅵ)
MAO Wenjing;LIU Zhirong;School of Nuclear Engineering and Geophysics;East China Institute of Technology;
Measurement and study of the photocathode quantum efficiency of photoelectric conversion device
XIA Jingkai;QIAN Sen;WANG Wenwen;NING Zhe;CHENG Yaping;WANG Yifang;JIANG Xiaoshan;WANG Zheng;LI Xiaonan;QI Ming;HENG Yuekun;LIU Shulin;State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Nanjing University;
Research on initial event analysis for solid thorium molten salt reactor probabilistic safety assessment
MEI Mudan;SHAO Shiwei;HE Zhaozhong;CHEN Kun;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Experimental investigation on the thermal physical properties and thermal stability of FKZr
CHENG Jinhui;AN Xuehui;ZHANG Peng;WANG Kun;ZUO Yong;TANG Zhongfeng;LI Zhong;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Application of high-speed digital camera in control rod drive line drop performance experiment
ZHANG Chaozhu;GU Hanyang;LIU Gang;CHEN Yuqing;ZHOU Xiaojia;School of Nuclear Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute;
Development and preliminary application of thermal neutron cross-section data library for fusion driven subcritical reactor
SUN Mengping;ZOU Jun;WANG Fang;JIA Wei;HU Liqin;University of Science and Technology of China;Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Analysis of the coolant reactivity coefficients of FHRs with ~6Li contents of coolant
SUN Jianyou;ZOU Yang;YAN Rui;ZHU Guifeng;LI Guangchao;CHEN Liang;LI Dongcang;XU Hongjie;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;Lanzhou University;Key Laboratory of Nuclear Radiation and Nuclear Energy Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Study on ASTRUM optimization for large break LOCA analysis
YU Jianhui;ZHANG Jingyu;ZHENG Limin;Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute;