A method of communication between EPICS IOC and EtherCAT devices
HE Yongcheng;WANG Chunhong;WU Xuan;China Spallation Neutron Source;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dongguan Institute of Neutron Science;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A study of granite radon in the precipitation quantity under axial stress
XU Lipeng;GE Liangquan;LUO Yaoyao;ZOU Gongjiang;College of Nuclear Technology and Automation Engineering;Chengdu University of Technology;Sichuan Radiation Environment Managing & Monitoring Center;Key Laboratory of Application Nuclear Technology of Sichuan Province;
Design of the electronics system of neutron dosimeter of a single sphere with multi-counters
HONG Bing;LI Taosheng;ZHANG Zhiyong;YAN Qiang;WANG Chenglong;DONG Liang;SU Zhe;Fundamental Science on Nuclear Safety and Simulation Technology Laboratory;Harbin Engineering University;Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing Radi Tec Co.;