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Nuclear Science and Techniques
2008 Issue 1
Information for Authors
Mutation induction of Pleurotus ferulae by low-energy N+ ion implantation and characters of the selected mutant
CHEN Henglei;WAN Honggui;ZHANG Jun;ZENG Xianxian
On harmonic operation of Shanghai deep UV free electron laser
DENG Haixiao;DAI Zhimin
Steady characteristic investigation on passive residual heat removal system of Chinese advanced PWR
XIAO Zejun;XU Chuan;ZHUO Wenbin;CHEN Bingde
Satellite-based detection of 16.76 MeV γ-ray from H-bomb D-T fusion
CHENG Jinxing;WANG Lan;OUYANG Xiaoping;SHI Jianfang;ZHANG Anhui;SHEN Chunxia;OUYANG Maojie;NAN Qinliang
Two-dimensional X-ray imaging using plastic scintillating fiber array
MA Qingli;TANG Shibiao;ZOU Jiwei;XU Dongzhe
A compact gamma-ray detector using wavelength-shifting fibers coupled to YAP scintillation crystal
ZHU Jie;MA Hongguang;MA Wenyan;ZENG Hui;WANG Zhaomin;XU Zizhong
A low noise charge sensitive preamplifier with switch control feedback resistance
Proportion of viable myocardium is more reliable than semi-quantitative score in predicting functional recovery:a pilot study of PET myocardial viability imaging
ZHANG Jiayin;KONG Ye;ZHOU Jian;ZHANG Jianfeng;ZHANG Liying;WANG Chao;ZHU Chengmo;LI Biao
A genetic algorithm used for the intensity level discretization in MLC leaf sequencing for step and shoot IMRT
CHEN Bingzhou;ZHANG Conghua;TANG Zhiquan;HOU Qing
Current status and progresses of SSRF project
XU Hongjie;ZHAO Zhentang