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Nuclear Science and Techniques
2005 Issue 2
Structural design of cryogenic component support for EAST (HT-7U)
CHEN Xian-Zhong;WU Song-tao
Quantitative measurement of cerebral blood flow on patients with early syphilis
ZHONG Ji-Jun;WU Jin-Chang;YANG Yi;TANG Jun;LIU Zeng-li;SHI Xin
Tc immobilization by using perovskite-rich and rutile-rich synroc
ZHANG Chuan-zhi;LI Bao-jun;LUO Shang-Geng
Development of a dose-adjustable α-particle irradiation facility for radiobiological studies
HU Bu-Rong;WU Jie-feng;HAN Wei;WANG Xu-Fei;WU Li-Jun;YU Zeng-Liang
Radiation effects of pyrochlore-rich synroc by heavy-ion irradiation
YANG Jian-wen;XU Yong-jun;ZHU Sheng-yun;LUO Shang-Geng
Production of radioactive 9C ion beam and its optimization
A magnetically adsorbed fine adjustment mechanism of the second crystal in a double-crystal monochromator
CAO Chong-Zhen;GAO Xue-Guan;MA Pei-Sun;WANG Feng-qin;HE Dong-qing;HUANG Yu-ying;LIU Peng
The new control system of HLS linac and transport line
LIU Gong-Fa;LI Wei-Min;LI Jing-yi;LI Chuan;CHEN Li-Ping;BAO Xun;WANG Ji-gang;XUAN Ke
Digital RF phase detector for Linac in FEL accelerator
YU Lu-Yang;YIN Chong-Xian;LIU De-Kang
Characteristics of coherent diffraction terahertz radiation at SDUV-FEL
Liu Ai-qin;LIU Gui-min;Dai Zhi-min
Induced ion-channel instability
Dai Zhi-min