Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Water and Sediment of Dongting Lake
GUO Jing;LI Liqiang;HUANG Daizhong;LU Shaoyong;HUANG Yanfang;WANG Qi;TIAN Qi;Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Center of Dongting Lake of Hunan;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Engineering and Technology Center of Lake;Research Center of Lake Environment;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Yueyang Environmental Monitoring Center;
Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria for Carbaryl in China
CHEN Qu;GUO Jixiang;SUN Qianyao;WU Fengchang;HAN Mei;BAI Yingchen;College of Science;China University of Petroleum;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Research Institute of Enhanced Oil Recovery;China University of Petroleum;
Risk Ranking for Groundwater Pollution from Hazardous Waste Landfills by MCDA Model
LIANG Huanhuan;AN Da;YANG Yu;WANG Yue;XI Beidou;WU Minghong;ZHANG Boqiang;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Simulation and Control of Groundwater Pollution;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering;Shanghai University;School of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering;East China Institute of Technology;