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Research of Environmental Sciences
2014 Issue 1
Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Estimation of Submerged Plant Biomass in Lake Erhai
CHU Zhao-sheng;YE Bi-bi;TIAN Gui-ping;PANG Yan;HU Xiao-zhen;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Research Center of Lake Eco-environment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Tianjin Port and Waterway Prospection and Design Research Institute Co. Ltd.;
Temporal-Spatial Distribution of Submerged Macrophyte Residues Transported by Wind Wave in Lake Erhai
CHU Zhao-sheng;CHEN Shu-qin;WANG Chang-chun;YE Bi-bi;PANG Yan;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Research Center of Lake Eco-environment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Emergence and Growth Characteristics of Zizania caducifiora in Different Base Elevations in Erhai Lakeshore
JIA Yong-jian;CHU Zhao-sheng;YE Bi-bi;YIN Yan-zheng;WU Ai-ping;CHENG Kai;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Research Center of Lake Eco-environment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;College of Life science;Central China Normal University;Institute of Ecology;College of Bioscience and Biotechnology;Hunan Agriculture University;
Study of Carbon Dioxide Flux Characteristics over an Urban Area in Beijing
DOU Jun-xia;MIAO Shi-guang;LI Ju;LI Ai-guo;Institute of Urban Meteorology;China Meteorological Administration;Institute of Atmospheric Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
CH4 and N2O Emission Inventory for Motor Vehicles in China in 2010
HE Li-qiang;HU Jing-nan;XIE Shu-xia;SONG Jing-hao;ZU Lei;XIE Qiong;State Environmental Protetion Key Laboratory of Venicle Emission Control and Simulation;China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;
Application of FBC-DPF on PM Emissions Control from Diesel Engine
FENG Xiang-yu;GE Yun-shan;MA Chao-chen;HAN Xiu-kun;TAN Jian-wei;LI Jia-qiang;HAO Chun-xiao;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science;
Greenhouse Gases Fluxes at Chongming Dongtan Phragmites australis Wetland and the Influencing Factors
HU Hong;WANG Dong-qi;LI Yang-jie;CHEN Zhen-lou;WU Jie;YIN Qiu-xiao;GUAN Yong-jian;Department of Geography;School of Resources and Environment Science;East China Normal University;Dongtan Wetlands International Co.;Ltd.;
Distribution of Radioactive Thorium in Surrounding Soils of Bayan Obo Mining Area
LI Ruo-yu;LI Qiang;CHEN Sheng;CAI Chun-xia;WU Feng-chang;SUN De-zhi;LIAO Hai-qing;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Beijing Forestry University;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Benchmark and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Sino-Japan Friendship Center for Environmental Protection;
Variations of Soil Respiration Characteristics and Temperature Sensitivity in the Mixed Forest at Jinyun Mountain,Chongqing
YU lei;WANG Yu-jie;WANG Yun-qi;ZHANG Hui-lan;SUN Su-qi;ZHOU Bin;Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conservation and Combating Desertification;Ministry of Education College of Water and Soil Conservation;Beijing Forestry University;Jinyun Mountain National Nature Protection Region Management Bureau of Chongqing City;
Speciation Characteristics and Effectiveness Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils in Yubei District,Chongqing
YAN Ming-shu;LI Wu-bin;YANG Le-chao;GONG Yuan-yuan;ZHANG Mao-zhong;Southeast Sichuan Geological Group;Chongqing Bureau of Geology and Minerals Exploration;College of Earth Sciences;Chengdu University of Technology;
Optimization for Extraction of Hot Water-Soluble Organic Matter from Waste Activated Sludge
SHAO Li-ming;LI Tian-shui;WANG Tian-feng;L Fan;HE Pin-jing;Institute of Waste Treatment and Reclamation;Tongji University;Centre for the Technology Research and Training on Household Waste in Small Towns & Rural Area;Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of P. R. China;
Remediation Simulation of Groundwater Circulation Well of NAPL Contaminated Aquifer
BAI Jing;SUN Chao;ZHAO Yong-sheng;Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment;Ministry of Education;College of Environment and Resources;Jilin University;
Inhibition Effects of Epiphyte on Photosynthesis Rate of Potamogeton crispus
ZHANG Ya-juan;LIU Cun-qi;ZHANG Jing;WANG Jun-xia;College of Life Sciences;Hebei University;
sheng ming
Adsorption Property of Activated Carbon from Leaves of Phoenix Tree on Different Polarity Phenols
LIU Bin;GU Jie;TU Yang-yan;ZHOU Jian-bin;College of Chemical Engineer;Nanjing Forestry University;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Nanjing Forestry University;
Evaluation on Diosgenin Production Processes from Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright Using Analytical Hierarchy Process-Grey Relational Analysis
XUE Nian-tao;ZHANG Guo-chen;CHEN Jian;JI Yu-kun;L Jian-bo;WANG Kai-jun;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Beijing Guohuan Tsinghua Environment Engineering Design & Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;College of Environmental and Energy Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Empirical Research on the Impact of FDI to Environmental Pollution in China
KAN Da-xue;School of Economics and Trade;Nan Chang Institute of Technology;