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The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring
2012 Issue 5
Concentration and Enrichment Characteristic of Heavy Metal Elements in PM2.5 of Urumqi
WANG Wen-quan;SUN Long-ren;TUERXUN · Tuerhong;AIKEBAIER·Yilahong
Determination of Acrylic Acid in Waste Gas by Ion Chromatography
HUANG Gui-rong;DIAO Xiao-dong
Evaluation of Soil Carbon Sinks in Shanghai
ZHAO Min;HU Jing;TANG Qing-he
Monitoring and Evaluation of Cyanobacteria Bloom in the Lake
XU Heng-sheng;WANG Ya-chao;SUN Yan;LI Ji-ying;LIU Meng-yu;JING Ming
Determination of Nine Esters Compounds in Water by Chromatographic-mass Spectrometry with Purge and Trap
DAI Xuan-li;LI Dan;CHEN Xin-li;YU Yi-jun;ZHANG Lin-zhi
Determination of Carbendazim Residue in Paddy Water,Soil and Rice by HPLC
LIU Shuang-shuang;YANG Ren-bin;FU Qiang;CHEN Hai-ping
A Method for Determination of Beryllium and Its Compounds in Air by GFAAS
GUO Rui-di;LIU Hua-liang
Composition, Tendency and Sources of VOCs in Ambient Air by On-line Monitoring at Ningbo Beilun
GU Zhuo-liang;XING Hai-bin;ZHENG Mei-ling
Discussion on the Quality Control of the Environmental Monitoring
ZHOU Liang;YIN Wei-ping
Application of Vehicle Activities Investigation Data for Estimating Emission——Application in Shanghai Case
LIU Deng-guo;LIU Juan;ZHANG Jian;SHEN Yin;HUANG Cheng;CHAO Yuan;XU Xiao-yu
xin xi dong tai
Development of Guangzhou a Three-dimensional Ambient Air Monitoring Network
ZENG Yan-jun;LIANG Gui-xiong;LIU Ye-xin;DONG Tian-ming;JU Hong
The Study of Test Methods on Pollution Prevention of Straw Burning in the Jiangsu Province
DING Ming;LIU Zhi-hong;DING Guang-yuang