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Journal of Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute
2013 Issue 2
Design of Universal Radio Altitude Simulator Based on DRFM
li shang sheng ; zhang jun ; chen jia lin
Signal-Oriented ATS Test Software Structure and the Model
wang zuo ping ; wang ding guo ; wu zhong de
From Directional N Segments Coverage to Omnidirectional K-Coverage Based on Boolean Perceptual Model
xue xing liang ; gao yu zhang ; sun rong kai ; xie zhi min
White Spots of Some BT-14 Titanium Alloy Hatch
zhou chuan zhong ; yu chuan ; guo wen long ; fan xiao long ; yu lei
Response of Helicopter in Wind Shear Field
song yan ; zhang xiao dong ; shang xing hua ; fei yang
Application of the Combined Field Integral Equation in Analyzing the Scattering of Open Structure
gong qiang ; chen jia lin ; wang ; li zuo ; zhang jun ; li xiang ping
Flow Similarity Parameters and Their Physical Significance
wang qiang ; peng shao xiong ; zhu xu cheng ; xu zhi peng
Relevance Vector Machine and Its Applications in Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis
ma deng wu ; fan geng ; zhang ji jun
Structural Integrality Analysis of High Length-Diameter Ratio SRM Grain on Rotary Launching Process
xing yao guo ; deng bin ; li gao chun ; lu ming zhang
An Airport Target Classification Algorithm in Remote Sensing Image Based on KFCM and SVM
liu feng ; zhang li min ; zhang rui feng
Engine Performance Deterioration Based on Kalman Filter and Principle Component Analysis
li dong ; li ben wei ; zhao peng fei ; zhao kai ; zhu fei xiang
Multi-Sensor Integrated Navigation System Algorithm Based on Multi-Model and Multi-Scale
lin xue yuan ; guo li long ; wang jie
Research on the Flow Around Inflatable Bump Airfoil with Large Eddy Simulation
kang xiao wei ; han wei ; wang yun liang ; guo wei gang
The Queue Length Distribution of Queueing System under N-Policy
liu xiao yan ; sun zuo zuo ; liu dan
Life Prediction Method for Rubber Seal of Missiles
han jian li ; chen hong guang ; li jian hua
Optimization of Sensor Layout Based on Minimum Non-Identifiable Damage Models
xu ting xue ; wang jie ; gu jun yuan
Damage Effect Simulationof Warhead Inner Explosion in Warship Cabin
zuo shun wei ; du mao hua ; wang wei li ; yang dong cheng ; huang xue feng
Hierarchical Model of Web System Based on SOA
song yi bing ; xu yu ru
A Anti-Submarine Helicopter Flanking Escort Turning Round Search and Simulation
cong hong ri ; li zuo ; xiao ming qiang
Shipborne Gun Equipment Supportability Indexes System Based on C-AHP
mi qiao li ; xu ting xue ; jiang chen ; yang ji kun
Design of 1553B Data Bus for a Kind of Aircraft Power Distribution Systems
tian miao ; liu ai yuan
The Penetration Efficiency Analysis of Anti-Ship Missile
pan zhe ; liu min