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Welding & Joining
2010 Issue 6
Reason of welding cracks formation and welding optimization of Monel-400 containers in chemical industry
ruan zuo ; gu fei fei ; qi guang hui ; wang cheng jun
Effects of rapid cooling process and stibium addition on the performance of SnBi solder alloy
zhang yu peng ; zhao si yong ; xu lei ; zhang yu hang
Welding process and analysis on weld defects in installation of steel casting
wei cheng quan ; wang heng ; zhang wei dong
Hydraulic torque converter assembly welding machine with three welding gun
shao jia zuo ; zhang zuo ; jin zuo ; shi zhong xian ; wu yi xiong
xin xi dong tai
Development of back shielding flux for welding of stainless steels
zhang rui hua ; li hui ; chen lei ; wang hai tao ; leng xiao bing
Design of sharable titanium databases for selecting welding materials
tang bin ; wei yan hong ; ni jia qiang ; zhang man bo
Exploration on feasibility of development on portable friction stir welding device
zhang ping ; zeng qing qiang ; zhao jun jun ; li qi ; cai zhi hai ; du jun
Embedded pipe welding control platform based on ARM & DSPs
dai hong jun ; sun zhen guo ; xiang kang tai ; ren hui ; chen wei zhong ; wang wei
Development of welding tongs of spot welding in car body line
zhang wei zhi
Research on cladding technology under protection of high temperature coating
zhao cheng ; tian hao liang ; zheng shao mei
Friction plug welding to repair fusion welded joint of LDIO Al alloy
wang guo qing ; zhao yan hua ; kong de yue ; du yan feng ; zhu rui can
Optimization on shape of tungsten electrode in manual TIG welding
ai zhi hu ; liu ding ping ; fang jiang tao ; che pei xing
Effect of flux composition on slag adhesion of INCONEL625 SAW flux
yu hai feng ; zhou shi feng ; li long fa ; chen jun qiang ; wang zuo cheng