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Heihe Science and Technology
2002 Issue 3
Analysis of 55 Cases of Mycoplasma Infecting of Nongonoccal Urethritis
li zuo ; chen li hua
Analysis of a Case of Starving Death by Trauma
wang wei dong ; zhuang yan
Application of "ZhengYanTang" in Curing Nose-bleed
zuo fu chun
Nursing of Wounded Shock Patients
zuo dong shuang ; li zuo
Analysis of a Rare Case of Suicide Oneself by Drowning
zhuang yan ; wang wei dong
Clinical Bad-symptoms of Dowel Crown and Analysis of Their Reasons
zhang hong peng ; shen ji na
Material Discussion and Ways of Exploiting Chinese Herbal Medicine Resources of SunWu County
yang shu guo ; dong xiu ping ; zhu xin li
Identifing and Diagnosing of Ectopic Pregnancy
feng yan
Human Elements of Afecting Pork Quality of Live Pigs in Butchering
li zhi chao ; liu ying
Diagnosing of Micro-virus of Dogs and Preventing
wu hai dong ; han fu wen ; cong yan ping
On Proventing Concrete Pavement from Spliting in Early State
zhuang hong zhong ; shen huai jia
Constructing Technology of Cement Mortor Flooring
hui tian zhi
On Management of Constructing Project
xu zhi you ; zhu jin fang
Controlling on the Costs of Constructing Projects
zhou chang shun ; cui tian yong
Technological Measures of Preventing Out-wall Face from Rain
cao wei qiang
Causes of Fracture of Cement Flooring Surface and Control Measures
zhou chang shun ; wang pin yi
On Farrowing of Female Pig and Postnatal Care
luo li ; luo hong
On Feeding Sheep with Straw
guo qing hua
On Feeding Milk Cattle
wang shu qin ; yin ming jie ; gao li xin
chou shui shi yan kong cheng jing gong yi de er ge wen ti
zuo shi cai
Salty Protection of Low-tension Network in Civil Building
wang li cai
Disease of Bursa of Fabricius of Fowls
wang shu qin ; yin ming jie ; gao li xin
a mu er zhou nong ye ling yu de he zuo yu yi ti hua
she lie wo ; yi ge
da dou zhong zhi de ke xue yuan li
fu te xi nie gao fu si ka zuo
On the Parturition of Cow and Postnatal Care
luo hong ; luo li
A Report of Mixed Infection of Chronic African Suine Fever with Bowel Oedema Disease of Baby Pigs
mou wei ; xue yu cheng ; cheng shuan zhi
On Natrition Demands of High-yielding Cow
he guang yi ; tang yan
tu rang su xiao yang fen bian hua qu shi ji dui ce
lin ying ; zhang ding na ; song qing ying
On the Sloughing of Exterior Wall Facing Tiles and Control Measures
gai bao ku ; shao ben he
On the Problems of House Buildings and Solving Methods
shao ben he ; gai bao ku
fei lun chai xie si fa
huang jing hai ; li de zhong
On the Computer Monitoring and Controlling System of Xiang-shan Hydropower Station
shi chun you ; yang guang hua
7 Methods of Examining the Breakdown of Delvery Valve
li de zhong ; huang jing hai
GFAAS Determination of Lead in Drinking Water
liu xing jin
Causes of Impacting Property Management and Their Measures and Advice
zhu jin fang ; cao hua
Causes of Analysis on Affecting Mortar Strength
shen huai jia ; zhuang hong zhong
Thoughts about the Safty Protection of Construction Industry
cao hua ; xu zhi you
Problems on Construction Contract's Management and Solving Measures
sun feng ling ; cong xiao bin
Problems on the Unit price of Parts of Constructing Project and Solving Measures
cong xiao bin ; sun feng ling
zuo zuo er he shui wen te zheng ji shui huan jing xian zhuang gai shu
jiang hao ; hou feng lin
State of Water Resource Exploitation and Utilization Problems of It in JiaMuSi City and Control Measures
feng jing chun ; xiao xing tao ; wang fu li
Analysis of 99.7' Storm and Flood at XunBiLa River Basin
zhou shao fei