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Initiators & Pyrotechnics
2016 Issue 2
Design and Experimental Study of the Explosive Release Device with Four Tunnels
LI Geng;,YAN Xin-fei;,CHEN Zhen;,XU Jiang-tao;,LIANG Ke;
Influence of Material Impact Toughness on the Structural Integrity of Pyrotechnic Device
GUO Xiao-rong;,WU Rui-de;,LI Lin;,CHEN Wen-long;,ZHANG Tao;
Experimental Study of Shock Wave Attenuation Properties in Phenolic Cotton Fabric Material
HOU Hai-zhou;,PENG Jin-hua;,HU Yi-ting;
Optimization Design of Setback Generator for Smart Initiator
LU Qiao;,LI Li-ming;,YIN Guo-fu;
The Assessment Study of Combustion Gas Cylindric Actuator for Folded Wings
YANG Min-peng;,YANG Shu-bin;,TU Xiao-chang;,LIANG Hong;,SHI Quan-li;,CHEN Jing;
Measurement of Detonation Velocity of Copper Azides Prepared by 'In Situ' Method
LI Bing;,ZENG Qing-xuan;,LI Ming-yu;,WU Xing-yu;
Preparation and Characterization of A Heat-resistant Propellant
ZHENG Shuang;,HAN Bing;,ZHANG Yuan-bo;,LIU Shao-wu;,WEI Lun;,WANG Qiong-lin;
DFT Study on the Influnce of Electrostatic Discharge on the Stability of Hydroxylamine
LIU Jian-guo;,ZHANG Qian;,AN Zhen-tao;,YAN Jun;,WANG Chao-yang;
A Novel Thermostable Energetic Intermediate——The Synthesis of the 4,4′-dichloro-2,2′,3,3′,5,5′,6,6′-octanitroazobenzene(DCONAB)
WEI Hua-nan;,YU Yan-wu;,LIU Yu-cun;,JING Su-ming;,SUN Yi;,LI Wan-li;
Study on the Combustion Performance of A Kind of Wide Platform CMDB Propellant
WANG Jiang-ning;,ZHANG Xiao-hong;,XIE Bo;,PEI Jiang-feng;,SHANG Fan;
EDTA Complexometric Titration Measuring Aluminum Content of Propellant
LIU Hui-yun;,WANG Jin-ying;,WU Hong-jie;,YAN Li-dong;,LIU Li;