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Initiators & Pyrotechnics
2015 Issue 2
Study on the Infrared Interference Property of Layered Supramolecular Smoke Material
BI Peng-yu;,WU Yu;,NIE Feng-quan;,CAO Lang;,FENG Yong-jun;,LI Dian-qing;
Research on Theory and Experiment of Particles Movement Regularity of Expanded Graphite Smoke Generator
XU Xing-chun;,GAO Xin-bao;,LI Tian-peng;,ZHANG Jun-kun;
Influence of Al/O Mole Ratio and Species of Oxidants on the Shock Wave Parameters of Thermobaric Explosive in Equal Volume
WANG Xing-long;,WANG Bo-liang;,ZHAO Xin-ying;,HAN Zao;,LI Xi;
Study on the Shock Wave Sensitivity of Modified Double Base Solid Propellants
ZHANG Chao;,QIN Neng;,LI Hong-yan;,MA liang;,YUAN Zhi-feng;,YANG Li-bo;,CHEN Jun-bo;
Preparation of Nano-CuO and Its Application in Charge of the Microporous
ZOU Zhen-you;,SHEN Long-sheng;,YE Ying-hua;,RU Cheng-bo;
Study on the Performance of A New Kind of Ignition Powder
HAN Bing;,WEI Lun;,ZHENG Shuang;,LIU Shao-wu;,ZHANG Yuan-bo;,LIU Bo;,LI Da;
In-situ Preparation and Characterization of Porous Copper Azides
ZHANG Zhi-dong;,ZHANG Fang;,WANG Yan-lan;,ZHANG Lei;
The Experimental Research on the Impact Safety of the Two Explosive Charges
XU Hong-tao;,SONG Zhen;,TIAN Xuan;,ZHAO Dong-kui;,FENG Xue-song;,FENG Bo;,ZHAO Juan;
Study on the Dispersed Suspension of Delay Composition Spray Granulation Slurry
HE Ai-jiang;,LIU Li-xiu;,LI Xiang-biao;,LIU Ding-gui;,CAO Peng-mu;
Research on the Explosion Energy of Explosive with Boron-containing Hydrogen-storage-alloy
FANG Wei;,FENG Xue-song;,ZHAO Sheng-xiang;
Study on Quantum Chemistry of Structure and Properties of A Novel High Energetic Density Compound BNFDAONAB
JING Su-ming;,LIU Yu-cun;,LIU Deng-cheng;,GUO Jia-hu;
The Research on the Flyer Film Parameters for the Initiation of HNS-IV by Laser-driven Flyer
WANG Hao-yu;,CHU En-yi;,HE Ai-feng;,CHEN Jian-hua;,JING Bo;
The Solution to Smoke Leakage of Some Primer for Cannonball
CHEN Bao-qing;,KUANG Fei-fei;,HU Jian-gang;
Experimental Investigation on Damage to Underwater Target by Underwater Explosion
WANG Bo-ya;,LU Zhong-bao;,REN Xi;,REN Wei;,LI Hui;,LIAN Kai;
Study on the Safe Fuse with Anti Fire off Property
LIU Wu;,LI Zhang;,KANG Bin;,LIU Ya-li;