Synthesis of collector(EV-1)and its application in flotation of apatite ores
ZHENG Guang-shi;SUN Ti-chang;KOU Jue;XU Shi-hong;LI Jing-xun;Mineral Processing Engineering Department;School of Civil & Environment Engineering;Beijing University of Science and Technology;Mineral Processing Engineering Department;School of Mining Engineering;KimChaek University of Technology;
Experimental study on pyrite flotation test
WNAG Feng-yu;ZHAO Ming;ZHONG Sen-lin;WU Cheng-cai;Guangzhou Institute of Nonferrous Metal Research;Guangzhou Yueyouyan Mineral Resources Research Technology Co.;Ltd;
Experimental study of flotation and separation of sulfur in a zinc leached residues
YAO Wei;LI Mao-lin;College of Resources and Environmental Engineering;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;Hubei key Laboratory for Efficient Utilization and Agglomeration of Metallurgic Mineral resources;Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Co.;Ltd.;