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Industrial Minerals and Processing
2016 Issue 2
Effect of several collectors on desiliconisation in phosphate flotation
LI Dong-lian;WANG Qiao;WANG Yu;School of Resources and Civil Engineering;Wuhan Institute of Technology;
Synthesis of collector(EV-1)and its application in flotation of apatite ores
ZHENG Guang-shi;SUN Ti-chang;KOU Jue;XU Shi-hong;LI Jing-xun;Mineral Processing Engineering Department;School of Civil & Environment Engineering;Beijing University of Science and Technology;Mineral Processing Engineering Department;School of Mining Engineering;KimChaek University of Technology;
Commercial tests of flotation of three-layer ores in Wangji Phosphate Mine
SUN Li-tian;Hubei Daiyukou Chemical Engineering Co.;Ltd;
Study on beneficiation process for an illite mudstone type pyrite ore
HU Jia-huan;DENG Hai-bo;SHI Yu-chi;HE Jun;LIU Man-man;School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering;Central South University;
Experimental study on pyrite flotation test
WNAG Feng-yu;ZHAO Ming;ZHONG Sen-lin;WU Cheng-cai;Guangzhou Institute of Nonferrous Metal Research;Guangzhou Yueyouyan Mineral Resources Research Technology Co.;Ltd;
Experimental research on improving pyrrhotite and pyrite flotation process by combined frother
GUO Wan-fu;HUANG Shi;CHEN Xiang-xiang;HE Huan;LIU Shu-zhong;College of Zijin Mining;Fuzhou university;
Experimental study of flotation and separation of sulfur in a zinc leached residues
YAO Wei;LI Mao-lin;College of Resources and Environmental Engineering;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;Hubei key Laboratory for Efficient Utilization and Agglomeration of Metallurgic Mineral resources;Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Co.;Ltd.;
Study on process mineralogy of weathered phosphate rocks in Yunnan
WANG Can-xia;PANG Jian-tao;YANG Wen-quan;LI Ruo-lan;Yunnan Phosphate Group Co.;Ltd.;National Engineering and Technology Center for the Development & Utilization of Phosphate Resources;
Mineralogical characteristics of glauconite and its application research
SU Shuang-qing;CHUAN Xiu-yun;MA Hong-wen;ZHANG Pan;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;School of Materials Science and Technology;China University of Geosciences;
Optimization of mining method for filling mining area based on DD-GRA at transition section of Chengchao Iron Mine
LIU Yan-zhang;DENG Lei;YE Yi-cheng;WANG Qi-fei;ZHANG Qun;ZHANG Bing-tao;School of Resource and Environmental Engineering;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;
Study on deformation forecast of the GFRP bolting roadway based on Grey Neural Network model
LU Fang;YE Yi-cheng;ZHANG Meng-meng;YUE Zhe;Hubei Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of High efficient Clean Utilization Shale Vanadium Resource;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering;Wuhan University of Science and Technology;
Application of TRIZ theory in improvement of mining method in a copper mine
YAN Guo-bin;MA Kai-chuan;QUE Yun-peng;LA SINO-CONGOLAISE DES MINES S.A.;Yunan Hualian ZINC&INDIUM STOCK Co.;Ltd.;Qinghai Hongxin Mining Co.;Ltd.;
Quality control of whole production process in pillarless sublevel caving
LI Sheng-huin;LI Zhan-jin;YE Hui-shi;WANG Feng-lin;Luan County Sijiaying Iron Mine Co.;Ltd of Hebei Iron &Steel Group;College of Mining Engineering;North China University of Science and Technology;
Discussion about underground belt conveyer transportation technics for gently inclined orebody
LI Shou-shan;YAN Jia-long;GAO Zhong-min;HUANG Wei-wen;HUANG Min;Changsha Design And Research Institute Of Chemical Industry;
Factors influencing safety production and accident prevention measures in small open-pit mines
YANG Zai-gao;CHEN Xing-ming;HU Wen-yi;College of Environment and Resource;Southwest University of Science and Technology;
Discussion on scale of potash deposits development and construction in Salt Lake,Qinghai
WANG Xin-fu;WANG Shi-jun;National Engineering Research Centre for Integrated utilization of Salt lake Resource;Qinghai Salt lake Industry Co;.ltd.;