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Journal of Adult Education College of Hebei University
2001 Issue 1
ying wen mu lu
he bei da xue guan li xue yuan jian jie
Analysis on Luxun's Thoughts about Children's Education
LI Hong-Xian
ru he fen xi xuan lv de diao shi yu diao xing
qin qing kun
Features and Revealment of Technical Innovation in Japan in 1980's
zou zhi ping ; shi xiao geng
Several Opinions about Financial Supervision under Market Economy
song feng xuan ; tian feng
gao deng xue xiao wang luo jiao yu mian mian guan
zhang shu jun
ying yu yue du zhong de cai ci ji qiao
li wen da
Information - prompting Function of Evaluative Clause
LI Zuo-Wen
tan gu shi shi jiu shou zhong de shi jian yi shi
li guo lai
Marxism and Basic Theory of the Study of lournalism
LI Guang-Zeng
Solitude of Writers and Their Works
ZHANG Dong-Yan
Mao Zedong,the Great Explorer of Socialism Reform
lun gao xiao tu shu guan gong zuo ren yuan de ji xu jiao yu
li yan ping ; hu dong dong ; zhao jiang long
Knowledge Economy and Community Adult Education
LI Jun-Qi
Review on the Theory of Actual Econonic Cycle
LI Ting-Gong;LIU Xiu-Lan
The Role of Government in Social Security