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Journal of Harbin University
2008 Issue 4
The Research and Explanation on Wanyan Wolu Tombstone
WANG Jiu-yu
The Misinterpretation of the Practice Philosophy
LIU Xue-ying;YU Guo-feng
The Way Constructing Service Type Government
LU Zhi-zeng
The Morality of the New Era Leaders
LIN Shu-zhen
The Research of the System of Criminal Interpretation
WANG Wen-juan
Thinking and Reform of China's Civil Brief Procedure
HU Chang-hui;TANG Xiao-dong
The Status of Duty of Care on Torts
Analysis on Legal Question of Endorsement After Date
Research on Huang Sheng's Life
The Modern Implication of Interest
QIANG Dong-hong
The Aesthetic Taste Between Elegance and Common
GAO Chun-min
Analyzing the Heroes in North-east Revolution
ZHAO Li-ying
The Management of University Teacher's Professional Life
QIN Ping;LI Tie-yan
Improve the Effect of Political Courses in Colleges
ZHOU Hu-yong
Analysing the CDIO Model for Higher Engineering Education
LIN Yi-zhen