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Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
2005 Issue 2
Financial Steady and Policy Options in China's Open Economy
MAO Hong-Yan;GAO Xiao-yuan
Peasants Income and Employment, Merge and Coordinate with the Urban and Rural Economies
WANG Jin-ying;WANG Xin-wen;ZHANG Mei-chen
Higher Education in Canada and its Inspiration for China
HOU Jian-guo
On some Questions of the Geisty Teaching
LIN You-xiang
Popper's View on Philosophy
XIE Jiang-ping;YU Li
The construction of Gramsci's Culture Hegemony
LIU Ya-bin
Structural Realism's Origin of Economic Methodology
New Concept of National Economic Sovereignty and Safety
GAO Xiao-yan
Labor Market Flexibility Changing of the Western Countries
KONG De-wei;WANG Wei
The Name of Place Art in Tang poems
HAN Cheng-wu
An Examination on Bian Lian-bao's Works
HAN Sheng
Recognize and Analyze on the Chinese words:Luckily and Fortunately
YU Jun-rong;KANG Hui
Ding Ling's Literary Language View
BI Ling-qiang
Analysis of the Conflicts of Trademark Right with Copyright
WANG Zhen-jun
jian an shi ge de sheng ming zhu ti
he zuo ; gao qing zhen
wen xue xin shang zhong de shen mei gan shou
xie shu fen ; gan heng zhi
shi lun zhu ce hui ji shi de xing xiang she ji
sheng suo yan