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Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
2016 Issue 4
Design of Point Scanner used in X-ray Backscatter Imaging System
ZHANG Wei;,WANG Guo-bao;,WANG Qiang;
The Design of Data Acquisition Front-end in High-energy Cosmic Ray Detection Experiments
GUO Fang;,LIU Zhao;,WANG Chun-jie;,ZHAO Jing-zhou;,WANG Ke;,LIU Zhen-an;
Estimate of the Scattering Background of γ-Ray Spectrum by Adaptive Peak Removing Technology
wei kong peng ;, yuan xin yu ;, wu he xi ;, yan chuan ;, li ke ;
Reducing Radon in Air with Pressure Swing Adsorption of Activated Carbon
LONG Hui-jia;,XIAO De-tao;,SHAN Jian;,QIU Shou-kang;,FENG Xu;
Evaluation of Detection Ability of Airborne HPGe Detector Array
LI Hui-bin;,LI Hua-feng;,HAN Bin;
Circuit Design for SiPM Nuclear Radiation Detector
TAN Xiao-ming;,PU Zhong-sheng;,WEI Zhi-yong;,PI Ben-song;,WANG Zhen;
Development of a Real-time Monitoring Software on Heat Loss of the TMSR Molten-salt Loop
SU Zhi;,HAN Li-xin;,LIU Gui-min;
Time of Flight Offline Data Quality Monitoring of BESⅢ
li xiao mei ;, sun sheng sen ;, gu yun ting ;, an fen fen ;, guo ying xiao ;, zhou xing yu ;, li ke ;, sun yong zhao ;, liu huai min ;
Experimental Study of Boron Poison Effect On the Micro Critical Core
HUANG Li-yuan;,GUO Yan;,NIU Jiang;
The simulation of the ionization chamber air equivalent material by MC method
ZHU Guo-xiong;,HUANG Ning;,XIA Xiang;
The Designation of a Network Readout DAQ Software for Dark Matter Experiment
ZENG Ting-xuan;,LI Fei;,ZHU Ke-jun;,GU Min-hao;,SUN Xi-lei;,HU Jun;
Design of Online Area Detector Data Acquisition and Analysis System in SSRF Station
YANG Fan;,ZHANG Zhao-hong;,ZHENG Li-fang;,XUE Song;
Technological Transformation of Nuclear Plant Priority Control Module AV42 on Anti-electromagnetic Interference
ZHAI Shi-min;,WEI Shao-feng;,GUAN Yun-quan;,WANG Qi;
Criticality Safety Analysis of the Spent Fuel Storage Pool for PWR Reactor Based on SCALE Code
HAN Xiang-zhen;,YOU Guo-shun;,PAN Xin-yi;,FENG Jin-jun;,WANG Kun-peng;,LAN Bing;
Calculation Study on Energy Response Performance ofAl2O3∶C to Gamma Rays
QIN Wan-yun;,LAI Yong-fang;,WEN Qi-lin;,WANG Bai-rong;,NAN Xin-liang;
A MC Study of Alignment Method for the Silicon Pixel Tracker Alignment in the Upgrade of the BESⅢ
fu zuo zuo ;, wu ling hui ;, zhang jin ;, wang liang liang ;, yuan ye ;, zhang yao ;, li ming fei ;, liu huai min ;
Design of Test System for CMOS Silicon Pixel Detector
GAO Wan-dong;,WANG Ke;,WANG Na;,ZHU Hong-bo;,SUN Jun-feng;
The Design of Optical Fiber to USB3.0 High Speed Data Conversion Module
XU Ling-yu;,HU Jun;,JIANG Xiao-shan;
A Front-End Design of Readout Electronics for MPGD Based on AGET
TIAN Jing;,LIU Shu-bin;,ZHENG Qi-bin;,FENG Chang-qing;,AN Qi;
Correction Model Between Low-energy of Airborne ray Spectrum and Lithology
WU He-xi;,YANG Bo;,WEI Qiang-lin;,LUO Yao-yao;,LIU Yi-bao;
Optimization Design of Silicon Carbide Thermal Neutron Detectors
ZHANG Shao-hua;,WU Jian;,JIANG Yong;
Uncertainty Assessing in Measurement of 210Pb in Aerosol by Gamma Spectrometry
TANG Li-li;,LI Jin;,QIU Xue-jun;,WU Yong-le;,TAN Bin;,YU Zheng-wei;
Capacitive-Load Isolation Techniques in Timing Detector of CSRe Internal Target
ZHU Kun-lu;,WANG Wei;,YU De-yang;,LIU Jun-liang;,LI Liang-hui;,CAI Xiao-hong;
Photomultiplier K2CsSb alkali Source Quantitative Research
LIU Xiu-huan;