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Journal of East China Normal University(Education Sciences)
2015 Issue 3
The Teaching World: a Bidirectional Transformation between Life World and Science World
NAN Jiwen;School of Education;Shaanxi Normal University;
Reflecting the Transformation of Educational Leadership Models
HU Zhongfeng;WANG Yining;The School of Public Administration in South China Normal University;Guangdong Polytechnic College;
Legitimacy of the Logic Construction in Education Reform and its Approaches
XUE Chuanhui;School of Educational Sciences;Nanjing Normal University;
Counter-School Survival under Partial Perception:Discussion on Education and Stratum Reproduction
SHI Qiuxia;WANG Yijie;Department of Sociology;Jiangsu Normal University;Department of Sociology;Hohai University;
Is the College-Mode of Teacher’s Professional Development Outdated?
CAO Yongguo;College of Education Soochow University;
From Community to School-university Partnership: Expansion and Transformation of Sites and Approaches of Teacher Learning
WANG Xiaofang;Faculty of Education;the Chinese University of Hong Kong;
Social Transformation and Schooling in Ethnic Minority Areas:Case Study of Lijiang,Yunnan
HU Diya;School of Education;Minzhu University of China;
“London Challenge”: Lessons and Inspirations of School Reform
Chris Husbands;UCL Institute of Education;
A Calling-based Counterfactual Self: Concept,Formation and Impact
TIAN Xizhou;Management School;Chongqing Technological & Business University;
The Impact and Psychic Mechanism of Media Violence on Children and their Aggressive Behavior
XING Shufen;WANG Danyang;LIN Chongde;Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition and Department of Psychology;Capital Normal University;Institute of Developmental Psychology;Beijing Normal University;
Temporal Dynamics of Affective Responding to Affect Arousals in Resilient Individuals: A Behavioral Study
XI Juzhe;ZUO Zhihong;TANG Xiaoyan;MA Weijun;School of Psychology and Cognitive Science;East China Normal University;Department of Preschool Education;East China Normal University;Datong No.2 Middle School;
A Factor Analysis of the Mental Health of Children Left Behind:Perspective of Sense of Security
LIAO Chuanjing;WU Jixia;ZHANG Jinfu;Mobile Post-doctoral Station of Education;Soochow University;School of Education;Soochow University;Faculty of Psychology;Southwest University;
Promotion Quota,Group Population and Geographical Distribution of Military Licentiates in the Qing Dynasty
LI Lin;Department of Education;East China Normal University;
Government Coordination in Private Education: Case of Nanyang College
OU Qijin;Research Office of University History;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Theory and Practice of Life Education in the Republic of China
LIU Qi;School of Education Science;Nanjing Normal University;
Early Introduction of Flexner’s Idea of Modern University
WANG Shaofang;School of Education;Jiangxi Science &Technology Normal University;