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Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Science and Technology)
2005 Issue 1
Deng Xiaoping's Thoughts on Qualified Personnel
YE Qian-hong;SHI Gui-lan
On the Abolition of the System of Small-scale Taxpayer
FAN Tao;WU Jun-min
Determining Functions of Context in Translation
DAI Yu-qun
On the Development of Snyder's Environmental Philosophy
GE Ji-hong
Problems in the development of Heigher Vocational Education
TAO Shu-zhong
Thoughts on the Development of Higher Vocational Education
ZHANG Guo-chang
On Empirical Analysis of Regional Brand Construction
FENG Xin-ming;XIA Zeng-yu
On the Dynamic Foundation of the Formation of Laws
HUANG Yong-zhong