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China Synthetic Rubber Industry
2001 Issue 3
Application of homogenizing agent in rubber proeessing
SUI Gang;Zhao Suhe
Effect of pinane hydroperoxide on the polymerization of SBR 1502
Wang Zhiyong;Gao Zengliang
Preparation of non- crosslinked powdered butadiene- acrylonitrile rubber
Xin Guoping;Zhao Bin;Huang Liben
Epoxy resin adduct polyol reinforced flexible polyurethane foams
Dou Dongyou;Jin Jianfeng;WANG Dening;Hu Chunpu
Mechanism of propylene oxide polymerization on Zn/Co double metal cyanide complex catalyst
Liu Xiaohua;Kang Maoqing;Wang Xinkui
Mechanism of anionic polymerization of isoprene in cyclohexane- dioxane
Yang Xingkun;Cheng Jue;Yan Zili;jin Guantai
Processabilities and rheological behaviour of trans - 1, 4 -polyisoprene
Ma Zuwei;Song Jingshe;Huang Baochen;Yao Wei;Wang Mingdong
Structure and properties of epichlorohydrin rubber/nitrile rubber blends
Wu Youping;Zhao Suhe;Hu Yong;Liu Li
Study on fatigue damage of a laminated rubber composite
TIAN Zhenhui;Miao Changqing;WAN Zhimin;DU Xingwen
Vulcanization and crosslinking of NBR/Zn(MAA)2 alloy
CHEN Zhaohui;Wang Dizhen;Luo Dongshan
Morphology and ionic conductive property of polyurethane/NaCl04 complex
Zhu Weihua;Yang Bing;Wang Xinling;TANG Xiaozhen;Li Gang
Cationic copolymerization of isobutene with 4- vinylbenzyl N, N - diethyldithiocarbamate
Ma Yuhong;Wu Guanying;Yang Wantai
Properties of high trans - 1, 4 - butadiene -isoprene copolymer rubber
HE Aihua;Jiao Shuke;Yao Wei;Huang Baochen
Storage stable SBS/PE blend modified asphalts
Gao Guangtao;Zhang Yong;Zhang Yinxi
Preparation of new type gas proofness rubber
Zhang Hongbing;Wang Yurong;Gu Mingchu;Li Ying
Study on correlation between measurements of flame retardancy ofpolymer materials
Wang Zhengzhou;Fan Weicheng;Qu Baojun
Characteristics of silica and its application in tire treads
Ning Kai jun;Wang Xiaoping;Jia Demin
Application of metallocene ethylene/octene copolymer
Tian Ming;Li Qifang;Zhang Liqun;Liu Li;Feng Yuxing;Xue Hujun
Radiation shielding and magnetic properties of rare earth/polymer composites
Liu Li;Sun Zhaohui;Wu Youping