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Hubei Agricultural Sciences
2015 Issue 24
Advance of Rice Drought Resistance, Water Saving Cultivation and Genetic Breeding
HUANG Jin-peng;WANG Ben-fu;YANG Xiao-long;ZHAO Feng;CHEN Shao-yu;LI Yang;CHENG Jian-ping;Key Lab of Huazhong Crop Production;Physiology and Ecology of Ministry of Agriculture China;Hubei Key Lab of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement;College of Plant Science and Technology;Huazhong Agriculture University;
Tea Pigments and Its Research Progress in Biological Activity
LU Su-fang;WANG Sheng-peng;Institute of Fruit & Tea;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Fruit and Tea Subcenter;Hubei innovation Center of Agricultural Science and Technology;
Application of Herbicide Resistance Gene in Crop Breeding
SONG Zhi-hong;MENG Qing-zhong;ZHANG Tao;LI Guo-rong;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Industrial Crops Institute;Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology and Breeding in the Middle Reaches of Changjiang River;Ministry of Agriculture;
Application and Prospect of Inter-simple Sequence Repeat(ISSR) in Silkworm Genetics
WU Fan;LI De-chen;ZHAO Chun-xiao;CHEN Deng-song;Industrial Crops Institute of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Ankang Sericulture Institute;
Research Progress of SKIP on Skeletal Muscle Development
XIONG Qi;LI Xiao-feng;SUO Xiao-jun;ZHANG Nian;TAO Hu;LIU Yang;CHEN Ming-xin;Hubei Key Laboratory of Animal Embryo Engineering and Molecular Breeding;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Study on Identification Methods of Classifying Indica-Japonica in Rice Varieties
QI Hua-xiong;ZHA Zhong-ping;Institute of Food Crops;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Development and Utilization of Wx-YMZC Marker in Rice(Oryza sativa L.)
QIU Dong-feng;YIN Ming-zhu;ZHANG Zai-jun;GU Da-chuan;Food Crop Institute;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei key Laboratory of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement;
Characteristics and Cultivation Techniques of Guangliangyou 35, a Two-line Hybrid Medium Rice with Good Quality and High Yield
FAN Bing;SUN Yong-jian;TIAN Yong-hong;YU Hua-qiang;CHEN Bo;FANG Zhen-bing;ZHAO Sha-sha;CAO Guo-chang;Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Science;
Study on the Standardization of Organic Rice Production Techniques
TANG Bang-yao;TAN Rong-gui;WANG Hui-qun;ZHOU Qing-ming;College of Public Administration and Law;Hunan Agricultural University;Agricultural College;Hunan Agricultural University;Changde Qianlima Ecological Rice Cooperatives;College of Bioscience and Biotechnology;Hunan Agricultural University;Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Phytohormones and Growth Development;Hunan Agricultural University;
Effects of Fertilizer Use and Planting Density on Yield and Yield Components of Hybrid Rice
DENG Liang;LU Bi-lin;ZHANG Yun-bo;WANG Hao-yu;LI Peng-hui;Agricultural College;Yangtze University;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;
Effect of Early Season Rice Machine-transplanted Seedling Quality under Different Patterns
CHEN Shao-yu;ZHAO Feng;LI Yang;CHENG Jian-ping;ZHANG Lv-feng;ZHANG Tao-juan;PI Chu-shu;Food Crops Institute;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Key Laboratory of Food crops Germplasm and Genetic Improvement;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Xishui Country in Hubei Provice;
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Tiller Germinate and Dry Matter Accumulation in Ratooning Main Season
LI Yang;CHENG Jian-ping;ZHAO Feng;CHEN Shao-yu;LI Wen-ting;XU De-ze;You Ai-qing;ZHANG Lv-feng;ZHANG Tao-juan;PI Chu-shu;Food Crops Institute;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Key Laboratory of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industy;Yangtze University;Hubei Engineering University College of Life Science and Technology;Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Xishui County in Hubei Province;
Effect of Planting Density and Sowing Date to Yield Formation of Hybrid Rice Guangliangyou 5
WU Jian-ping;CHEN Shao-yu;LI Yang;ZHAO Feng;XU De-ze;CAI Hai-ya;YOU Ai-qing;WAN Sheng-jie;FEI Chang-liang;CHENG Jian-ping;ZHANG Lv-feng;ZHANG Tao-juan;PI Chu-shu;Hubei Key Laboratory of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement;Food Crops Institute;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;Yangxin Bureau of Agriculture;Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Xishui County in Hubei Province;
Effects of Different Sowing Density and Paclobutrazol Treatment on Direct Seeding Middle-season Rice in Jianghan Plain and Test of Its Variety Adaptability
XU Hui;XIE Lei;YANG Hong-yong;CHEN Ding;YI Su-dan;XU Zheng-meng;WEN Ju;Jingzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Vocational College of Bio-Technology;
Breeding of Mungbean Variety Elv No.4 and Its Cultivation Technique
CHEN Hong-wei;WAN Zheng-huang;LI Li;LIU Chang-yan;WU Guang-hong;Institute of Food Crops;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
The Research of Aboveground Growth Characteristics and the Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter of Different Sweet Potato
CHAI Sha-sha;SHI Chun-yu;LEI Jian;WANG Lian-jun;SU Wen-jin;YANG Xian-qiang;YANG Xin-sun;Institute of Food Corps;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Agronomy College;Shandong Agricultural University;Agriculture Bureau of Baokang County;
Study on Hybrid Cotton Seed Production Technology of Chemical Hybridizing Agent with Roundup 41% Aqua
MENG Qing-zhong;SONG Zhi-hong;WANG Gui-chun;ZHANG Tao;LI Guo-rong;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Industrial Crops Institute;Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology and Breeding in the Middle Reaches of Changjiang River;Ministry of Agriculture;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Agricultural Economics and technology;
Antioxidant Enzyme Activity Change and Heterosis Analysis of Hybrid Cotton of Nuclear Sterile Lines in the Different Growing Stage
CHEN Quan-qiu;LAN Jia-yang;HAN Guang-ming;ZHANG Zhi-yong;Institute of Economic Crops;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Research on the Comprehensive Prevention Technical System of Wheat Recessive Natural Disasters in Northern Hubei
LING Dong;LIU Xian-bin;TANG Qing;ZHANG Peng-fei;Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Hubei Province;
The Accumulated Temperature Requirements for Main Stem Leaves Growth of Wheat Variety Zhengmai 9023
ZHU Zhan-wang;TONG Han-wen;LIU Yi-ke;CHEN Ling;ZOU Juan;ZHANG Yu-qing;GAO Chun-bao;JIAO Chun-hai;Institute of Food Crops;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Engineering and Technology Research Center of Wheat;Wheat Disease Biology Research Station on Central China;Ministry of Agriculture;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;
Standard Sowing Technique for Wheat in Rice-wheat Cropping System in Hubei Province
ZOU Juan;GAO Chun-bao;XU Xian-chao;ZHU Zhang-wang;LIU Yi-ke;TONG Han-wen;CHEN Ling;ZHANG Yu-qing;Institute of Food Crops;Hubei Academy of Agriculture Science;Hubei Engineering and Technology Research Center of Wheat;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;Zengdu Agriculture Technology Extension Center;
Breeding and Cultivation Techniques of the New Wheat Variety E-mai 170
LIU Yi-ke;YAN Jun;ZHANG Yong;GAO Chun-bao;Institute of Food Crop;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Experimental Station of Wheat Disease Biology Science in Central China;Institute of Cotton Research;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Crop Science;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;National Wheat Improvement Center;
Discussion on Approving Standard of Wheat Varieties
ZHOU Jun;Shiyan Agricultural Science Academy in Hubei Province;
The Difference of Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Northern Japonica Rice in Different Nitrogen Application Patterns
CUI Yue-feng;LU Tie-gang;SUN Guo-cai;WANG Jun-ru;WU XIAO-qiu;WANG Gui-yan;WANG Jian;HUANG Wen-jia;Tieling Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Liaoning Vocational College;
Nutrition Characteristics and the Fertilizer Effect for Japonica Rice Nanjing 45
PENG Cheng-lin;DUAN Jian-she;ZHU Hong-ying;YUAN Jia-fu;ZHANG Yong;ZHAO Shu-jun;XU Xiang-yu;Institute of Plant Protection and Soil Fertilizer;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Xiangzhou Agricultural Extension Center;
Effect of Biochar on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cotton in Different Continuous Cropping Cotton Field
HAN Guang-ming;LIU Dong;SUN Shi-qing;YANG Xi-yuan;CHEN Quan-qiu;ZHANG Tao;LAN Jia-yang;Industrial Crops Institute of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Key laboratory of Cotton Biology and Breeding in the Middle Reaches of the Changjiang River;Ministry of Agriculture;Qianjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences;Stock Propagation Field of Xiangyang City;
The Effect of Different Fertilizer Combined Application on Buckwheat Quality
XU Song-he;REN Qin;CAO Xing-ming;GUO Hong-jie;LIU Shuan-cheng;Department of Biology;Jining Normal University;
A Comparative Study on the Effects of Different Passivators on Soil Cadmium Availability and Cadmium Uptake of Chinese Cabbage
ZHANG Fu-lin;XIA Xian-ge;LIU Ting-ting;YANG Li;XIONG Gui-yun;FAN Xian-peng;LIU Dong-bi;YU Yan-feng;ZHANG Ji-ming;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Plant Protection Soil and Fertilizer of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;The Office of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Modern Arts and Sciences Shanxi Normal University;
Effect of Foliage Spray on Populus tomentosa Growth and Mineral Element Content
TANG Yan;WEI Shu-hua;College of Agriculture;Ningxia University;Institute of Plant Protection;Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry;
The Adsorption of Lead-containing Wastewater by Modified Isatis indigotica Fort. Draff
BAI Lu;WU Chun-ying;GU Feng;College of Resource and Environmental engineering;Jilin University of Chemical Technology;
Study on the Characteristics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal for Sequence Separation Membrane Bioreactor
ZHAO Ming-jie;WANG Xu-chi;JIN Ming-ji;Agricultural College of Yanbian University;
Evaluation of Land Ecological Security in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region Based on PSR-TOPSIS Model——A Case Study of Fengdu
CHEN Jing;LIU Xiu-hua;LIU Yong;College of Resources and Environment;Southwest University;
Ecosystem Service Function Value Assessment of Hanjiang River Basin in Hubei Province
GONG Yi-fan;ZHOU Zhi-yuan;SUN Xiao-zhou;FENG Yan;Hubei University of Arts and Science;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;
Isolation and Molecular Identification of Fusarium bulbigenum from Different Regions of Hubei Province
LEI Jian;WANG Lian-jun;YANG Xin-sun;SU Wen-jin;CHAI Sha-sha;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences Food Crops Institute;Hubei Key Laboratory of Food Crop Germplasm and Genetic Improvement;
The Preliminary Study on the Control of Peach Gummosis
LIU Yong;HE Hua-ping;GONG Lin-zhong;WANG Fu-rong;WANG Hui-liang;AI Xiao-yan;LIU Mo-fa;Institute of Fruit and Tea;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Fruit and Tea Sub-center of Hubei Innovation Center of Agricultural Science and Technology;
Toxicity Bioassay of Six Common Acaricides to Tetranychus cinnabarinus
YANG Ni-na;HUANG Da-ye;ZHU Zhi-gang;LONG Tong;YAO Jing-wu;CAO Chun-xia;Hubei Biopesticide Engineering Research Center;
Field Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis with High Level of Insecticidal Crystal Protein against Ectropis obliqua
LONG Tong;ZHU Zhi-gang;CHENG Xian-liang;CAO Chun-xia;YANG Ni-na;HUANG Da-ye;HU Hong-tao;YAO Jing-wu;YANG Zi-wen;LUO Ye-wen;LEI Gai-xiang;Hubei Bio-pesticide Engineering Research Center;Bio-pesticide Branch Center of Agricultural Research Innovation Center of Hubei Province;National Bio-pesticide Engineering Technology Research Center;Bureau of Tea in Lichuan Hubei;Bureau of Tea Industry Development in Chibi;
Effects of 0.11% Mefenacet + Bensulfuron-methyl Granules on Controlling Weeds and Water-Fertilizer in Seedling-throwing Rice Fields
WANG Gui-chun;LI Lin;ZHU Wen-da;Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Plant Protection and Soil Science;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Screening of Bacillus thuringiensis with High Virulence to Pyrausta nubilalis and Its Fermentation Processing
ZHOU Rong-hua;LIAO Xian-qing;LIU Fang;ZHANG Zhi-gang;RAO Ben;Hubei Biopesticide Engineering Research Center;
The Methods of Isolation and Preservation of the Single Spore of Rice Blast Fungus
ZHAO Sha-sha;TIAN Yong-hong;YU Hua-qiang;SUN Yong-jian;CAO Guo-chang;CHEN Bo;FANG Zhen-bing;FAN Bing;Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
The Development Status and Prospect of Waxberry Industry in Hubei Province
TONG Zhu;WU Li-ming;HE Li-gang;WANG Zhi-jing;SUN Zhong-hai;JIANG Ying-chun;Institute of Fruit and Tea;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Effects of Different Irrigation Amount on Yield, Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Drip-Irrigated Melon in Tropical Greenhouse
YANG Xiao-feng;CAO Ming;YANG Guang-hua;ZHANG Xue-bing;Sanya Science and Technology Academy for Corp Winter Multiplication;Hainan Engineering Research Center for Tropical Facility Agriculture;
Effect of Transplanting and Harvest Time on Yield and Quanlity of Flue-cured Tobacco
PENG Shi-cheng;WU Hao;GUAN Yu;PAN Xing-bing;LUO Man;DONG Hua-fang;School of Agricultural Science;Xichang College;Panzhihua Tobacco Company of Sichuan Province;
Effects of Different IBA Concentration on the Rooting of Euonymus japonicus Cuttings
DU Mei-e;ZHANG Wei;LIU Jie;Erdos Ecological Environment of Career Academy;Baotou Municipal Engineering Administration Department;
The Process Optifization Test for Two Kinds of New Fresh Tea Leaves Classifiers
GAO Shi-wei;GONG Zi-ming;YE Fei;ZHANG Qiang;ZHENG Peng-cheng;CUI Qing-mei;WANG Sheng-peng;WANG Xue-ping;TENG Jing;DAI Ju-hui;LIANG Jin-bo;Institute of Fruit and Tea;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Tea Engineering and Technology Research Centre;Enshi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Effects of Rain Shelter Cultivation on the Occurrence of Soft Rot and Yield of Konjac
ZHAO Qing-yun;WU Shi-bin;YAN Dui;XU Wen-guo;YAN Suo;XIE Shi-qing;YANG Xiu-lian;College of Plant Protection;Yunnan Agricultural University;Seed Management Station of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture;Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture;College of Agronomy and Biotechnology;Yunnan Agricultural University;College of Basic Science and Information Engineering;Yunnan Agricultural University;
Changes of Endogenous Hormone Content during the Growth of Raspberry Leaves
GAO Qing-yu;YAN Chao;ZHANG Bing-xiu;WANG Zhen-wu;WANG Xue-jiao;ZHANG Yu;College of Horticulture;Northeast Agricultural University;
Construction of Standard SSR Fingerprint of Pyrus pyrifolia Core Collection
ZHANG Jing-guo;TIAN Rui;CHEN Qi-liang;YANG Xiao-ping;FAN Jing;HU Hong-ju;Institute of Fruit and Tea;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Fruit and Tea Subcenter of Hubei Innovation Center of Agricultural Science and Technology;
Primary Report on Resistance and Absorption of Mulberry to SO2 and Fluoride in Atmosphere
WU Hong-li;HAO Yu;LIU Lan;XU Shu-qiong;YE Chu-hua;SUN Bo;ZHOU Hong-ying;YE Jian-mei;Institute of Economic Crops;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Environmental Quality Supervising and Testing Center of the Department of Agriculture;
Research on Disinfection Technology of Anthurium andraeanum Explant
CHEN Yan-lin;CHEN Quan-sheng;LIAO Xiang-liu;Huanggang Polytechnic College;
Identification of the Mutation in Porcine STIM1 Gene and Its Association Analysis with Liter Size Trait
WU Jun-jing;DONG Bin-ke;QIAO Mu;PENG Xian-wen;WU Hua-yu;LEI Bin;MEI Shu-qi;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science;Hubei Key Laboratory of Animal Embryo and Molecular Breeding;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science;
Screening and Identification of Transcription Factor of Pig TCAP Gene
QIAO Mu;CHENG Bi-jun;WU Hua-yu;WU Biao;LIU Gui-sheng;LI Liang-hua;WU Jun-jing;PENG Xian-wen;MEI Shu-qi;Institute of Animal and Veterinary Science;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Technical Institute of Agricultural Economy;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of Tongcheng;
Research of db-cAMP and Cumulus Cell Monolayer on in Vitro Maturation and Parthenogenetic Potential of Pig Oocyte
XU Guo-qi;HUA Zai-dong;ZHANG Li-ping;XIAO Hong-wei;LIU Xi-mei;XU Sheng-cheng;ZHENG Xin-min;College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;Qinghai University;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Key Lab of Animal Embryo engineering and Molecular Breeding;
Traits Test Report for High Quality Synthetic Line of Hubei White Pig
SUN Hua;SONG Zhong-xu;PENG Xian-wen;DONG Bin-ke;LEI Bin;LI Ming-bo;MEI Shu-qi;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Study on Evaluation of Nutritional Value of Roughages in Hubei Province
YANG Xue-hai;GUO Wan-zheng;YANG yu;ZHOU Meng-jie;HUANG Shao-wen;ZENG De-fang;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Vetervinary Sciences;Huibei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Key Laboratory of animal Embryo Engineering and Molecular Breeding;College of Animal Science;Yangtze University;Institute of Agricultural Economy and Technology Research;Huibei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
The Present Status and Evaluation of Natural Grassland Resources in Macheng Country
ZHANG He-shan;ZHENG Cen;LI Xiang-hong;GUO An-guo;XING Qi;LIU Yang;TIAN Hong;Institute of Animal Science;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science;Hubei Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau;Jiangxi Animal Science and Technology stations;Inner Mongolia Academy of Grassland Reconnaissance and Design;
Study on Disinfection and Removing Moldy Technology in Scale Ground Raising for Broiler
SHEN Jie;PAN Ai-luan;PI Jin-song;WU Yan;PU Yue-jin;ZHANG Hong-bo;SUN Jing;ZHANG Hao;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Key Laboratory of Animal Embryonic Engineering and Molecular Breeding;Hubei Tongxin Agriculture Limited Company;
Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody of Streptococcus suis Type 2 1910 Response Regulator Protein
CHENG Yao;TIAN Yong-xiang;LIU Ze-wen;ZHOU Dan-na;DUAN Zheng-ying;YANG Ke-li;GUO Rui;LIU Wei;YUAN Fang-yan;Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science;College of Animal Science;Yangtze University;
Dynamics of Animal-human Epidemic Model of Brucellosis and Analysis of Its Stability
HAO Bo;ZHANG Rui-ming;College of Science;Northwest A&F University;
Anesthetic Effects of Tribromoethanol on Mice
LI Li;HUA Zai-dong;REN Hong-yan;BI Yan-zhen;LIU Xi-mei;XIAO Hong-wei;ZHANG Li-ping;ZHENG Xin-min;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Key Lab of Animal Embryo Engineering and Molecular Breeding;
Analysis on HMW Glutenin Subunit Composition of Chinese Wheat Varieties
CHEN Ling;XU Heng;TONG Han-wen;ZHU Zhan-wang;LIU Yi-ke;ZHANG Yu-qing;ZOU Juan;BAO Wen-jie;GAO Chun-bao;Institute of Food Crops;Hubei Engineering and Technology Research Center of Wheat;Wheat Disease Biology Research Station on Central China of Ministry of Agriculture;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;
Salted Eggs Pickled Formulation Screening of Low Hypertonic Salt Substitutes
SUN Jing;PI Jin-song;PAN Ai-luan;SHEN Jie;LIANG Zhen-hua;WU Yan;PU Yue-jing;ZHANG Hao;DU Jin-ping;Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine;Hubei Key Laboratory of Animal Embryo Engineering and Molecule Breeding;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Modification of Nano-Zn O and Its Photocatalytic Property
LI Jie;LIU Wei-xia;XU Zhi-hua;YANG Shui-bin;Hubei key Laboratory for Processing and Application of Catalytic Materials;
Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Polysaccharides from Red Skin of Locus seed
XUE Shu-jing;YANG De;LI Lu;HE Jiang-jun;GUAN Jian;ZENG Yu;WANG Xiao-li;Institute for Farm Products and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Engineering Research Center for Farm Products Irradiation;Chutian College;Huazhong Agricultural University;
Effects of 4 Disinfectants on Storage Properties of Fresh-cut Mushrooms
CHEN Xue-ling;ZHU Xia;GUAN Jian;MEI Xin;SHI Jian-bin;CAI Sha;HE Jian-jun;Institute for Farm Products Processing and Nuclear-agricultural Technology;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Study on the Changes of Soluble Sugar and Its Metabolic Enzymes in Pgrus ussuriensismaxim Fruit
ZHANG Xin;BEI Zhan-lin;ZHANG An-dong;College of Biological Science and Engineering;Beifang University of Nationalities;
The Influence of Natural Bacteriostatic Agents on the Harbin Sausage Quality during Storage
LI Xin;CHENG Wei;XIONG Guang-quan;WU Wen-jin;DING An-zi;WANG Lan;Institute of Farm Products Processing and Nuclear-Agricultural Technology;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hubei Engineering Research Center for Farm Products Irradiation;
Rapidly Determine Residue of Lufenuron in Cabbage and Soil by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry
PENG Mao-min;XIA Hong;LIU Li;Food Quality Inspection and Testing Center of Agricultural Ministry of China;
Preparation and Characterization of Cabolt-based Catalyst for Fischer-tropsch Synthesis
CHENG Chun-chun;LING Hao;XU Ling;CAO Jian-fang;Chemical Engineering College;Qinghai University;
Application of QuEChERS Method Combined with Ultra-high-preformance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Determination of Pyraclostrobine in Brown Rice Samples
SHEN Jing;WANG Xiao-Fei;CHEN Shu;CHEN Si;PENG Xi-tian;Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology Research;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science;College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering;Hubei University of Technology;
Study on the Identification of West Lake Longjing Tea with Amino Acids
ZHAO Ming-ming;JIN Yu;HU Xiao-bo;HU Ding-jin;ZHOU You-xiang;Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology for Agro-Products;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;College of Food Science and Technology;Huazhong Agricultural University;
Study on Determination Methods of Antioxidant Activity in Shanxi Aged Vinegar
ZHAI Shu-hong;LEI Xiao-Yu;CHEN Tao;Chutian College;Huazhong Agricultural University;College of Food Science and Technology;Huazhong Agricultural University;
Nutritional Value Analysis of Soft Pomegranate from Heyin
YAN Sheng-hui;LI Xing-kui;GAO Yu-hong;Zhengzhou Vocational Technology College;
Heavy Metal Pollution and Potential Ecological Risk Assessment of Agricultural Soils in An Area of Hubei Province
Yi TIAN;YAO Jing-jing;LI Shu-qian;PENG Li-jun;Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products;Hubei Academy of Agriculture Science;
Research on Trunk Sap Flow Velocity ARIMA Model
XIE Heng-xing;ZHANG Zhen-hua;CAI Huan-jie;WANG Yu-dian;Key Laboratory for Eco-environment of Multi-River Wetlands in Shaanxi Province;State Key Laboratory for Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering of Ministry of Education;Northwest A&F University;College of Geography and Planning;Ludong University;
Design on Automatic Rolling Machine and Intelligent Ventilation Control System of Sunlight Greenhouse
KONG Guo-li;SU Yu;Information Engineering College;Zhongzhou University;
Design of New Auxiliary Heating Facilities on Burley Tobacco Air-curing in Stem-drying Stage
YOU Kai-xun;QIN Yong-zheng;WANG Qiong;ZHANG Hui-qun;DAI Qi-bing;TIAN Yi-ying;LI Peng-cheng;ZHENG Wen-yan;YANG Ru-hai;Tobacco Monopoly Bureau of Changyang;Alpine Vegetables Institute of Changyang;
Research on Development Strategy of Lichuan Yam Industry
ZHU Yun-fen;YIN Hong-qing;XIANG Ji-qian;YANG Yong-kang;Enshi Autonomous Prefecture Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Enshi selenium Application Technology and Product Development Academy;
Game Theory Analysis on the Driving Forces of Rural Collective Management Construction Land Transfer
GUO Yu;GUO Li-hua;Business School of Hebei Agricultural University;
Situation and Strategies of Models and Scale with Corn Business in Shiyan
YE Qing-song;PENG Xuan-he;CAI Gao-lei;AN Fei;ZHANG Fan;XIAO Neng-wu;Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry;Yangtze University;Shiyan Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
The Process Control on the Running Quality of Agricultural Economy Based on the Co-integration Regressive Model
SUN Qiu-xia;LIU Xin-min;School of Mathematics and Systems Science;Shandong University of Science and Technology;School of Economics and Management;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
New Characteristics and Development Countermeasures of Modern Agriculture in Hubei Province
HUANG Qi-zhen;ZHANG Jun;XING Mei-hua;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Ecological Security Assessment on the Arid Ecologically Fragile Zone——A Case Study of Xinjiang
HUANG Xiao-dong;PU Chun-ling;SONG Jian-hua;ZHANG Xiao-hu;WANG Cheng-wu;WANG Zhi-qiang;LIU Zhi-you;College of Management;Xinjiang Agricultural University;Institute of Economics;Xinjiang Academy of Social Science;College of Surveying & Land Information Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;
Measurement and Empirical Research of Agricultural Modernization Level in China——Based on Perspective of Labor Transfer
LIANG Shuo;WU Pei-lin;CHEN Yi-fei;School of Business;Shandong University;
Investigation and Analysis on Health Status and Effect Factors of the Rural Empty-nest Elderly in Hubei Province
GONG Xu;ZHANG Xiang;WANG Zheng;CHEN Man-li;ZHOU Shang-cheng;XUE Lei;Hubei Provincial Academy of Preventive Medicine;Health Management Development Research Center of Hubei Medical College;College of medicine and health management;Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology;College of Economics and Management;Tsinghua University;Hubei University of TCM;
Establishment and Empirical Analysis on Evaluation Indicator System in the Marketing Force of Characteristic Agricultural Products in Huanggang
CHEN Fang;WANG Zhan-ping;MA Ying-shuang;Huanggang Normal University;School of Information Management;Central China Normal University;
Analysis on the Current Situation and Comparative Advantage of Distinctive Agriculture in Mountain Counties of Hubei Province
XING Mei-hua;WANG Jing-zhou;Institution of Agricultural Economics & Technology;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Department of Rural Economic Development;Hubei Development and Reform Commission;
Analysis of International Competitiveness of Sichuan Animal Products
SU Yong-jie;YANG Li-xue;Southwest University for Nationalities;
An Innovative Research on Marketing Model for Grain Enterprises at the Current New State
DI Qiang;School of Economics and Management;Wuhan Polytechnic University;