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Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology
2013 Issue 1
Evaluation of cold-resistant physiological indices of kernel apricot
AI Pengfei;JIN Xiaojing;JIN Zhanzhong;YAN Fengqi;LI Kewen
MATLAB applications for the forecast of dipine drugs' melting point
LI Zhiwei;GUO Haiqian;WU Fen
A stable explicit one-step method for solving ordinary differential equation
LONG Aifang;HU Junhao
Feature dimension reduction of kernel independent component by particle swarm optimization and its application
SUN Lei;JIA Yunxian;WANG Weiguo;ZHANG Yingbo;ZHAO Jinsong
Total absorption of a plane electromagnetic wave by a matching resistive film model
SHANG Xuefu;WANG Yawei;JI Yujin;LI Jianling;WANG Jian
Derivation of E=mc2 from classical physics
LI Jijun
Synthesis and characterization of carbon aerogel
HE Rui;LIU Zhenfa
Magnetic analysis and deep cryogenic treatment of 9Cr5MoV steel
SUN Shiqing;LIANG Wenrui;ZHANG Nan
Cationization of Artemisia seed polysaccharide
ZHONG Huayu;NIU Chunmei;LI Shaoying
Study on phase equilibrium of Na2SO4-MgSO4-H2O ternary system at 45 ℃
LIU Baoshu;HE Yan;SUN Hua;SONG Mengyan;SHI Xuanxuan
Damage testing method of space truss based on elemental strain mode difference and RBF neural network
ZHANG Limei;LIU Weiran;ZHANG Liwei;DU Shoujun;ZHANG Yang
Treatment of phonolic wastewater using lignite thermal extraction residue
CUI Yongmei;ZHAO Fengyun;LIU Yanhua;XU Yongquan;YUAN Zhongkai;HU Yongqi
Synthesis and characterization of degradable UPAR of putty
LIU Fangfang;ZUO Zhaoyi;SHAO Zhixuan