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Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
2007 Issue 5
On Heidegger's thought of Humanism
GUO Wen-cheng;ZHOU Lin
Value Category of Ecological Ethics
XIA Jian-hua;MA Bi-xiao
An Ethical Reflection on the Modern Famine and Poverty Issues
ZHOU Hong-yan
New Countryside; New Technology; New Life
SHU Hong-yue;LIAO Qiong-hua
Summarization on the Research of Love in Modern Ethics
Existing in the Development of Education Real Estate
MIAO Zhen-qing
An Outline of the China Tourism Culture History
MA Yong
Study on the System Reform of Media in Hubei Province
A New Image of Hubei in Global Communication
LIU Ke-lan;YANG Yu-ming
A Perceptive Insight into Categorial Prototypicality and Semantic Typicality
GUO Xi-huang;WANG Wei
Language Competence Construction and Syllabus Design
WANG Jia-zhi