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Journal of Adult Education College of Hubei University
2006 Issue 1
html xin xi dao shu ju ku xin xi de zhuan huan
cai jian hong ; wan tao ; huang wei
luo shi hui nong zheng ce cu jin she hui he xie
liu zu chun
The Goal and Administration of Teacher Education in India
Li Shengcong;Hu Yongfu;Pang Li
Human Resource Development and Continuing Education
Ling Boqiang
The Competencies of An Administrator in Adult Education
Zhang Haiping
Anti-Japan War and China's Modernization
Mu Shuangquan
A Glimpse of the History of Western Natural Aesthetics
zhao hong mei ; yuan hui lin
cong tu shu chu ban he tong kan zuo zhe quan yi de bao hu wen ti
wen jing ; li zuo
Divorce and the De Facto Marriage
Yang Baisheng