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Journal of Hubei Adult Education Institute

2014 Issue 5
Some Thoughts about Business English Major’s Internship of Normal Universities
HE Hong-li;,XIE Cai-hong;
Application of Project Teaching Method in Computer Course of Higher Vocational Education
DAI Hui;,HE Xin-zhou;,SHU Song;
Application of Micro Computer Aided Function Based on Platform of Internet of Things
Dai Hui;,He Xinzhou;,Shu Song;
On the College Informationization Construction Model
YE Wei;
Mao Zedong’s Development from the Party Founding Ideology of Lenin
YANG Peng-peng;
On Hayek Micro-government and its Enlightenment
WU Ai-bang;
Path of Sun Quan-Emperor of Kingdom of Wu
Research on the Revision and Legislation of Environmental Law
LEI Yu-chen;
On Hubei Publicity Translation and Output of Chu Culture
The Metaphorical Cognitive Interpretation of the English Proposition in
TAO Zhi-dan;,ZHAO Hong-lu;
Analysis on Motivation of Simple Linguistic Signs
CUI Jin-ying;