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Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Natural Sciences)
2016 Issue 6
An research on the external space form of the architecture of the Tang’an Dong village in Qiandongnan prefecture
LIU Qingying;,ZHAO Hang;,LI Huixuan;,HE Xiyan;,HUAMG Hongliang;
Analysis and study on heavy metal content in the suburban vegetable garden soil and vegetable
SU Qijiao;,WANG Ji;,LU Xiaohui;,DAI Lingjun;
The diversity and distribution characteristics of medicinal bryophytes in Fanjingshan national nature reserve
SHI Lei;,YANG Chuandong;,XIONG Yuanxin;,YANG Ni;,ZHANG Hong;,YANG Huajiang;,YANG Ning;
The effect of UVC radiation on corn seeding active oxygen species and antioxidant enzyme
BU Ting;,LIU Lingxia;,YANG Jianxia;,XIAN Panpan;
Cayley homogeneous factorization of complete multipartite graphs isomorphic to cyclic group
ZHANG Xiaohui;,WEN Yu;,HAO Ying;
Maximal left(right)group of the full transformation semigroup
JIN Jiulin;,YOU Taijie;,SUN Yan;,SUN Zexiang;
Compound Poisson-Geometric risk model with a constant dividend and investment
QIAO Kelin;,HAN Jianqin;
Equivalence on Ekeland’s variational principle via improvement sets for set-valued maps
WAN Xuan;,QU Xianping;,CHEN Huafeng;
The number of a class of some-cycle graph with respect to Merrifield-Simmons index
LIU Ruilin;,TIAN Shuangliang;,TIAN Wenwen;
An improved ID-based proxy signature scheme with message recovery
JIN Tingting;,DENG Lunzhi;,JIANG Haotian;
A study case of virtual three-dimensional technology application
PENG Jin;,LIU Zhu;
The effect of Surface shape change way,upper and lower visual fields and endogenous cues in persisting object representation
JIANG Huaibin;,ZHONG Caixiu;,GUAN Kaixuan;,LI Jiaying;,XIAN Xiaozhu;,FAN Mengting;
Relationship between social support and coping style among Tibetan postgraduates
ZHANG Xinjuan;,MA Hailin;