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Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
2009 Issue 2
Breeding and Popularization of Youyan 9,a Hybrid Rape Variety
HOU Guo-zou;DU Cai-fu;HOU Yan;ZHANG Rui-mao
Breeding of 5735R,a Restore Line for Jinnongyou 1(a New Quality Hybrid Rape Variety)
LI Min;ZHANG Rui-mao;CHEN Da-lun;TANG Xiao-hua
Study on Genetic Diversity of Yellow Rapeseed Germplasm Resources(Brassica napus)by Using SSR Marker
TANG Rong;WANG Tong-qiang;HUANG Ze-su;DAI Wen-dong
Effect of Phytohormone Combinations on Bulb Induction of Lycoris aurea
ZHENG Xiao-feng;HUANG Gang
Breeding of Guizhou Agrostis stolonifera,a New Lawn Grass Variety
XIE Cai-yun;FAN Guo-hua;SHANG Yi-shun;MO Zhi-ping
Study on Saponin Extraction of Gynostemma by Using Cellulase
DENG Mei-lin;FU Li;WU Tian-xiang
The Effect of Intercropping between Tobacco and Sweet Clover on Tobacco Yield and Grade
TANG Shi-kai;LIU Li-fang;LI Yong-mei
The Suitable Planting Density of Qianxiangyou 302 (a Hybrid Aromatic R ice Variety)
WANG Si-jian;LONG Guang-xiu;CHEN Wei;ZHANG Ya;YUAN Qin-hua
Agronomic Characters and Yield of Fruit Sugarcane 2,a New Sugarcane Line
LEI Cao-yun;XIE Hui-yu;LEI Shi-fu;ZHANG Yi-cheng;LIU Fan-zhi;ZHOU Qi
The Effect of Different Trace Fertilizer Level on Yield and Quality of Bletilla striata
ZHANG Xiu-yue;LI Ming-rang;ZHANG Qi-dong;ZHOU Yong;HE Ying
Research Progress On Cultivation of Jatropha curcas
Lou Yan-ping;GU Xiao-ping;GU Shu-hong;YU Fei
Infection Pattern and Dynamic Change of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Pinellia ternata
CHENG Li-tao;GUO Qiao-sheng;LIU Zuo-yi
Diseases Investigation of Euphorbia lathyris and Indoor Toxicity Tests
GAO Li-li;HU De-yu;GONG De-yong;JIN Yi-lan;HUANG Rong-mao
Sample Investigation of Arsenic (As)Content in Main Topsoil of Henan Province
WEI Xiu-ying;CHEN Cui-ling;SUN Xiu-juan;ZHANG Jing;ZHU Hui-xia;LI Hai-yan
Change of Soil Enzyme Activity during the Process of Karst Forest Degradation in Central Region of Guizhou
CHEN Zu-yong;LIU Fang;PU Tong-da;LI Zhun;NING Jing
Correlation between Rice Planthopper and the Advantage Population of Natural Enemies
SHAO Xian-qiang;XIE Qi-qiang;CHEN Shi-rong;WANG Zhi-wei;HOU Zai-fen
Application of Frequency Trembler Pest-killing Lamp in the Major Crops
JIN Xing;TAN Xiao-feng;LIU Jing;TANG Jiang-feng
Study on the Relationship between Yield Loss and Wheat Stripe Rust and Its Control Index
TAN Xiao-feng;JIN Xing;LIU Hong-mei;LONG Ling
Pest Species Investigation and Occurrence Regularity of Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Hot Pepper in Bijie Prefecture
LONG Ling;LIU Hong-mei;XIA Zhong-min;YU Xiu-lan;XIONG Yong;LI Li;LIAO Hua-gang;LONG Gui-xing;FENG Ming-yi
Occurrence Regularity of the Main Diseases at Seedling Stage of Hot Pepper and the Innocuous Controlling Technology
XIONG Yong;LONG Ling;LIU Hong-mei;XIA Zhong-min;YU Xiu-lan;LI Li
Occurrence Regularity of Bacterial Leaf Spot on Hot Pepper and Its Field Trials of Fungicide
LONG Ling;LIU Hong-mei;XIA Zhong-min;YU Xiu-lan;XIONG Yong;LI Li
Occurrence Regularity of Scab Disease on Hot Pepper and Its Control Techniques
LONG Ling;LIU Hong-mei;XIA Zhong-min;YU Xiu-lan;XIONG Yong;LI Li
Investigation and Integrated Management for Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Hot Pepper In Bijie Prefecture
YU Xiu-lan;LIU Hong-mei;LONG Ling;XIA Zhong-min;XIONG Yong;LI Li;LONG Gui-xing;FENG Ming-yi;LIAO Hua-gang
Innocuous Production Technology Regulation on Hot Pepper in Bijie Prefecture
LIU Hong-mei;LONG Ling;XIA Zhong-min;YU Xiu-lan
Controlling Effect of Tobacco Budworm on Hot Pepper and Its Field Trials of Insecticide
LI Li;LONG Ling;LIU Hang-mei;YU Xiu-lan;XIONG Yong
Establishment and Application of PCR for Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis
WU Wei-hen;YANG Mao-sheng;YANG Li;XU Jine;WEN Cai-zi;LIU Hui;LIAO Mei
Flowering Characteristics and Seed Development of Cichorium intybus
HAN Yong-fen;SHU Jian-hong;CHEN Pen-yan
River Breed Aquatics Technology of Sturgeon
ZHOU Yuan-fu;LI Zheng-you;GE Qian-zhong;YANG Xing;SUAI Run-xiang
Breeding of Guicao 1(Lolium multiflorum)
MO Ben-tian;LONG Zhong-fu;CHEN Rui-xiang;LUO Jing-yan;YANG Fei;ZHANG Ming-jun
Regional Tests of Guicao 1(Lolium multiflorum)in Guizhou
M0 Ben-tian;LONG Zhong-fu;CHEN Rui-xiang;LUO Jing-yan;YANG Fei
Productive Tests of Guicao 1(Lolium multiflorum)in Guizhou
MENG Zheng-bing;LONG Zhong-fu;CHEN Rui-xiang;YANG Fei;ZHANG Ming-jun
The Cultivation Technique for High Seed Yield of Guicao 1
LONG Zhong-fu;MO Ben-tian;LUO Jing-yan;ZHANG Ming-jun;YANG Fei
The Nutrient Value of Guicao 1 at Different Growth Stages
LONG Zhong-fu;MO Ben-tian;LIU Zheng-shu
The Cultivation Technique for High Yield of Guicao 1
MENG Zheng-bing;LONG Zhong-fu;MO Ben-tian;CHEN Rui-xiang;LU Jing-yan;ZHANG Ming-jun;YANG Fei
Introduction of Some Rye Grass Varieties (Lolium multiflorum)and Their Productive Performance
MO Ben-tian;CHEN Rui-xiang;LONG Zhong-fu;LUO Jing-yan;ZHANG Ming-jun
The Effect of Different Sowing Quantity on Productive Performance of Guicao 1
HE Jing;CHEN Rui-xiang;LI Chen-qiong
Study on Suitable Seed Harvest Time of Guicao 1
LONG Zhong-fu;MO Ben-tian;CHEN Rui-xiang;LUO Jing-yan;ZHANG Ming-jun;YANG Fei
The Feeding Effect of Guicao 1 on Gaining Ability and Economic Benefit of Meat Cattle and Goat
LONG Zhong-fu;LUO Jing-yan;YANG Fei;MO Ben-tian;CHEN Rui-xiang;ZHANG Ming-jun
The Feeding Effect of Guicao 1 On Milk Yield and Quality Of Milk Cattle
LUO Jing-yan;YANG Fei;LoNG Zhong-fu;ZHANG Ming-jun
Photosynthetic Characteristics of Citrus ichangensis
WANG Li-xin;FAN Wei-guo
RAPD Analysis on Newhall Navel Orange and Its Variant Line
FAN Jian-xin;GUI Yang;Li Jin-qiang
The Effect of Different Ca2+Concentration on Germination and Pollen Tube Elongation of Robinia pseudoacacia
YOu Yang;JIA Wen-qing;NIE Min-qiang;LI Ai-ying;WU Xiao-gui
Identification of Bud Mutation QT01 from Peach
WANG Mou-qiang;BAN Xiao-chong;ZHANG Chao-jun
The Effect of Soil Nutrient Content on Growth, Fruit Yield and Quality of Young Citrus
YUAN Qi-feng;CHEN Shou-yi;YANG Shun-yu;YANG Hong-yan;WU Ai-guo;LI Jin-qiang
The Effect of Three Different Intermediate Stocks on Survival Rate, Yield and Qualily Of Grafted Newhall Novel Orange
LUO Su-lan;LONG Rui-chun;YUAN Qi-feng;YAO Qing-nǖ
Development Situation and Potentiality of Canna edulis ln Guizhou
ZHOU Zheng-bang
Biological Characteristic of Xinchuanzhongdao Peach and Its Cultivation Technique in North Guizhou
JIN Fang-lun;XU Qiong;HAN Cheng-ming
Discussion on the Theory of Agricultural Circular Economy
The Strategy Model of Purchasing Durable Consumer Goods for Rural Residents
QIN Ya-qian;ZHOU Xiao-wei
Achievements of the Guizhou Agricultural Sciences Reviewed from the Journal Running Historical Development
YANG Lin;YANG Xiao-rong;NIE Ke-yan;GAO Hong-wei
Participatory Technology Development on Protection of Native Chicken Breed Resources
YANG Guang-yuan;LI Hua-jun;OU Guo-wu;ZENG Ling-xiang;LI Yuan-jia;ZHOU Zhang-chao